14 Video Games with the Most Endings

14 Video Games with the Most Endings

Finishing a game is always a great achievement for any gamer. It is the culmination of hours grinding for experience, overcoming difficult boss battles, leveling up characters, weapons, armor, and abilities, and seeing how the protagonists wrap up their respective narratives. But some games have such rich lore, characters, twists, and turns in the story when it comes to the players’ choices that they branch out into multiple endings.


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Which games have the most endings? From swashbuckling and dynamic action RPGs to classic, story-driven JRPGs and everything in between, there is a plethora of titles that offer gamers multiple endings depending on what they do.

Updated March 10, 2025, by Hamza Haq: The idea of multiple endings has always been attractive to players who appreciate choice and consequence in games, especially for completionists who have no issue playing the same game over and over to unlock and uncover everything there is to see in the game. Most games typically have three endings: a good one, a bad one, and a neutral one. But due to the sheer number of games being released every day, there are more exceptions than one might think. Two new games have been added to give players an even better idea of the games that offer the most endings.


Catherine: Full Body

13 Endings

Vincent navigating through various movable platforms in Catherine: Full Body


super greyscale 8-bit logo PlayStation-1

Catherine: Full Body is a remake of the original Catherine game that was released last 2011. The game centers around Vincent, a systems engineer who is barely scraping by financially. He is whirled into a surreal scenario wherein he apparently has two girlfriends: Catherine (with a C) and Katherine (with a K).

Gameplay-wise, Catherine: Full Body refines the first game’s puzzle-platforming mechanics and also adds new content in the form of a new love interest in Rin. On top of that, the game has thirteen different endings that depend on Vincent’s choices throughout the story.


Heavy Rain

17 Endings

Ethan from Heavy Rain looks at the handgun he holds.


PC-1 PlayStation-1


February 23, 2010

Heavy Rain is a tense action-adventure title that sees players uncover the mystery of the Origami Killer through the eyes of four protagonists. The game has a total of seventeen endings, all of which are determined by what the player makes each of the protagonists do during key moments in their playthrough.

Given the atrocities that the Origami Killer has done and the fact that they are still at large, it is up to the players to determine who the killer is and to put an end to the killings.


Chrono Trigger

18 Endings

Chrono Trigger portrait of playable characters

Considered to be one of the best JRPGs ever, Chrono Trigger delivers a gripping story that encompasses various timelines. On the ending side of things, the game offers players nineteen endings, with only one of them being a bad one.



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The first good ending, Beyond Time, has five sub-endings that can be acquired separately by either attacking a specific part of the final boss or resurrecting a character before the final fight. Other endings require completing specific side quests and depicting conclusions to the other characters’ story arcs. It is important to note that the majority of these endings can only be seen once players have unlocked the Beyond Time ending.


Papers, Please

21 Endings

Papers, Please - The player running through his checklist while processing an immigrant's papers


August 8, 2013


3909 LLC

For players who want to experience a game that tugs at their puzzle-solving skills and emotions, Papers, Please is just the title. As an immigration officer, players are tasked to process the papers of people who pass through the border of the fictional dystopian country of Arstotzka.

Players will encounter a number of immigrants who want to cross, and it is up to the gamer to decide what happens to them. This thought-provoking game challenges players either to be steadfast with their duties or make exceptions based on an immigrant’s documents and story.


The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe

25 Endings

Stanley exploring an office floor full of file cabinets




October 17, 2013


Galactic Cafe

The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe is the pseudo-sequel to the first Stanley Parable game that sees the titular Stanley noticing a new door within the office that has the words “NEW CONTENT” plastered all over it. Similar to the first game, players have to navigate the various hallways and rooms within the office space and either follow the narrator’s recounting of what Stanley is supposed to be doing or buck that trend and see what else could happen.

This fourth-wall-breaking title has a total of twenty-five different endings. For players who want to experience a totally unique and surreal title, they should try this game and see how many endings they can unlock.


NieR: Automata

26 Endings

2B and 9S bracing themselves against an army of automatons in NieR: Automata

As far as deep lore is concerned, few studios can claim to have a connected narrative that spans over countless years across their titles like that of the NieR games. NieR: Automata’s story is set thousands of years in the future, where a war between human-made androids and machines from another planet is taking place.


NieR Automata Ver1.1a: The Cutest Aspects of 2B and 9S’s Relationship

Love is in the air this season. And even androids can fall in love. 9S’s crush and 2B’s attentiveness is proof of just that.

NieR: Automata has twenty-six different endings, five of which are considered to be the main ones. The rest of them range from hilarious to random, and each ending further adds charm to the characters and the post-apocalyptic world they inhabit.


The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

36 Endings

Geralt about to engage a wild beast

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt has a whopping thirty-six different endings. Three of them are connected to the main story, and the rest are determined by the choices the player makes for or against numerous characters they interact with throughout their playthrough.

For the main story, players have the option of getting good, bad, and neutral endings depending on how Geralt interacted with and trained Ciri for the game’s biggest conflict. Other side quests have key character endings, such as the Bloody Baron, Radovid the Stern, and Emhry var Emries, all of which depend on what actions the player chose while completing their side missions. Then, of course, there’s Geralt’s ending with whoever he romances. Players can pursue Triss, Yennefer, both, or neither of them.


Time Travelers

71 Endings

time travelers official image

  • Platforms: PlayStation Portable, PlayStation Vita, Nintendo 3DS
  • Developer: Level-5
  • Release date: July 12, 2012
  • Genres: Visual novel, Interactive film

Time Travelers was a game for the Nintendo 3DS, PlayStation Vita, and PSP and one not many players will have heard of because it did not have many sales, no English localization (it was in Japanese), and was discontinued shortly afterward. The game has since been discontinued and is no longer available in stores.

Time Travelers was an interactive story game with 3D-rendered characters and a branching storyline similar to games like Detroit: Become Human. Instead of taking control of one protagonist, players had to juggle five of them, advance each one’s story individually by making choices, and see what happens next. A wrong choice or a series of wrong choices would lead to a character’s death, which is what the game counted as a possible alternate ending. But since the main characters are all time travelers, they had the ability to return to a previous time in a storyline and make different choices.


Detroit: Become Human

85 Endings

Alice hiding behind Kara in Detroit: Become Human


PC-1 PlayStation-1

Detroit: Become Human is a game that takes a deep dive into artificial intelligence and humanity’s reliance on it as AI slowly becomes sentient. Players guide three androids and shape whether their sentience is influenced for better or worse.

Sporting a whopping eighty-five endings that revolve around the players’ choice, picking what Connor, Kara, Markus, and even the supporting characters’ actions will affect what kind of endings players will get at the end of their playthrough. There are tons of scenarios that branch out from choosing something over another action, which means no two players can have the exact endings after beating this game.


Star Ocean: The Second Story

86 Endings

Claude and the assembled group walking on a path




June 8, 1999



The Star Ocean franchise dates back to 1996 and has a strong fanbase that holds the games in high regard. One of the beloved titles is Star Ocean: The Second Story, which follows the story of Claude and Rena, paving the way for two different playthroughs.



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On the side of endings, Star Ocean: The Second Story has eighty-six different endings that are mostly dependent on how the character’s Emotional Level is toward the other characters. Trying to get all the endings would mean having a checklist of which characters have to get together or not and multiple playthroughs.



93 Endings

snowdin town tree in undertale


September 15, 2015


Toby Fox

Undertale is an indie RPG following the story of a human child who falls into the underground, a place where only monsters live and struggles to survive. There are three main endings in Undertale: Pacifist, Neutral, and Genocide. Of the three main types, there are four different types of Pacifist endings where the end result changes depending on the choices the player made during the story, four are different types of Genocide endings, and there are eighty-five (85) different Neutral endings.

Undertale’s story uses time loops as a core mechanic, so much so that clearing the game once and starting again is acknowledged by the NPCs as the player character rewriting time. The different endings mainly differ depending on what happens to the main supporting cast, such as Toriel, Undyne, Alphys, and many others. Obtaining all possible endings is a fairly popular challenge in the Undertale community and a great reason to replay the game multiple times.



100 Endings

reventure steam image

  • Platforms: Nintendo Switch, Microsoft Windows, Android, iOS
  • Developer: Pixelatto
  • Release date: June 4, 2019
  • Genres: Platformer, Indie

In most games, alternate endings to the story are merely an afterthought; something tacked on at the end of the development cycle as a way to appease the part of the player base that appreciates player choice. Reventure is the exact opposite. Multiple endings are the very core concept of this title; it’s what the entire game is designed around.

Reventure is a side-scroller where the goal, at least on the surface, is to save a princess in a dungeon; the classic Mario/Zelda story told in a 2D platformer format. In actuality, however, the goal is to discover and explore all 100 possible endings. Endings are unlocked as the protagonist dies in different ways, with each death altering the next run in some small way. Every death is also accompanied by an in-game explanation of what happened after the hero died, and sometimes, the new hero that wakes up is not the same one that died, while other times, the hero merely regresses back to his younger body. Every new ending is logged and recorded in the Endings Gallery, accessible from the pause screen, which scratches that completionist and achievement-hunting itch perfectly.


Until Dawn

256 Endings (+1 in Until Dawn Remake)

until dawn fan shares jess cosplay for halloween


PC-1 PlayStation-1


October 4, 2024


Ballistic Moon

Until Dawn is an interactive horror game with a branching storyline and eight main characters. The choices players make throughout the story decide the fates of the main characters at the end. Make the wrong choices or fail to make them at all, and the characters suffer the consequences in the ultimate way: death. The lives of the protagonists are not guaranteed and it is very possible for all of them to die, resulting in the ‘bad’ ending.

Broadly speaking, there are three main ways Until Dawn can end: one where all characters survive, one where all of them die, and one where some survive while others don’t. It’s in the last ending that changes depending on which characters survived and which ones died, resulting in 256 total endings for the game. The Until Dawn Remake adds another secret ending where players can save Josh, a character who was impossible to save before.


Baldur’s Gate 3

17000 Endings

Astarion in Baldur's Gate 3

Baldur’s Gate 3 is the much-awaited continuation of a critically acclaimed franchise from the Dungeons and Dragons universe. The third game is set one hundred and forty-two years after the second game and right after the events of the Descent Into Avernus storyline in the Dungeons and Dragons 5e module.

Baldur’s Gate 3 gives players tons of scenarios that can branch out into different outcomes. From choosing NPCs or companions to literally or figuratively stab in the back to aligning with different guilds, Baldur’s Gate 3 has seventeen thousand possible endings for new and veteran players to discover.


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