How to complete the Herc the Merc challenge in BitLife

How to complete the Herc the Merc challenge in BitLife

It’s time to become the strongest person alive during BitLife’s Herc the Merc challenge. Inspired by Hercules, you’ll start in Greece, have perfect health, and make a few trips to the gym. Oh, and there’s murder, but that’s normal for a BitLife challenge.

BitLife Herc the Merc challenge guide

BitLife’s Herc the Merc challenge has five tasks to complete:

  • Be born in Greece
  • Have 100 percent Health
  • Go to the gym 10+ times after Age 18
  • Strangle 5+ different enemies to death
  • Marry someone you met at the gym

The most difficult part of this challenge is strangling five enemies to death. This doesn’t just mean finding random people; you need to make them your enemy before eliminating them. Having the Assassin’s Blade will make it easier, but you can still do this in a regular vanilla playthrough with some luck.

Be born in Greece

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Starting the Herc the Merc challenge is creating a character born in Greece. As long as your pick Greeve as your country, your character’s starting gender, place, and talent are entirely up to you. However, having the criminal special talent will help. Having high starting health will also help you but you can raise this stat easily later on.

Have 100 percent Health

Next on the list is ending the challenge with 100 percent health. Here are some tips for raising your BitLife character’s health:

  • Visit the gym every year
  • Cure any medical issues your character develops
  • Go for walks
  • Don’t take part in dangerous activities

As long as you don’t spend most of your time exorcising ghosts or catching incurable illnesses, you should be able to maintain 100 percent health just fine. However, during your strangle attempt, your enemies may retaliate, so watch out for any drops in health or deaths later.

Going to the gym

Speaking of the gym, this one is the easiest of the five tasks. Once you character turns 18, head into Activities, Mind & Body, and Gym. Each visit costs €15, so make sure to work a couple of freelance jobs or part-time until you have enough money for ten visits.

Along the way, you might find random encounters like catching some illnesses or meeting someone to date. If you get something, treat it quickly so it doesn’t drain your health. If it’s a new friend or lover, you can knock out two (or more) birds with one stone.

Strangle different enemies to death

Here’s the tricky part of this challenge. During the Herc the Merc challenge, you have to complete five eliminations on enemies by strangling them. Doing this to random strangers is already challenging, but making enemies and getting the hit off is even harder.

BitLife strangle interaction
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Your first goal is to make an enemy. You can either do this by waiting for someone to get angry enough at you to make you their enemy automatically or manually by selecting them in your relationships list, changing your status to Enemy, and strangling them later.

There’s a high chance you’ll get caught for your crime. If this happens, you can either close and reopen your BitLife app before retrying or accept your fate and escape prison before completing the task. Similarly, they might retaliate to your attempt, which can lead to your death. Unfortunately, unless you have a Time Machine, there’s no way around this, so be prepared for the possibility of restarting the challenge a couple of times. Thankfully, once you finish this, it’ll only be uphill from here.

Marry someone you met at the gym

BitLife lover at the gym
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The final part of BitLife’s Herc the Merc challenge is marrying someone you met at the gym. As you visit the gym, you’ll occasionally get pop-up messages asking if you want to ask someone on a date. Accept the request if they’re your type, and keep your relationship stats high until you’re ready to marry them.

From here, it’s just a matter of making enough money to buy a ring, pop the big question, and host a wedding. You’ll then be married to someone you met at the gym, knocking out the final objective of the challenge and rewarding you with a mystery cosmetic gift.

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