One Piece: This Small Detail Shows How Much Franky Cares About Robin

One Piece: This Small Detail Shows How Much Franky Cares About Robin

This article contains spoilers for One Piece’s Elbaf Arc.


  • Franky and Robin have a unique dynamic in One Piece, acting as the “mother and father” of the crew.
  • Franky shows he cares for Robin by immediately wanting to share an ancient mural, highlighting their bond.
  • Franky’s maturity in prioritizing Robin over his own curiosity underscores the strong family dynamic within the crew.

The relationship between the Straw Hats has always been one of the most important aspects of One Piece. Being a sort of found family for each other, each duo on the crew offers a unique dynamic to explore throughout the series. Between Sanji’s and Zoro’s rivalry, or Luffy and Usopp’s goofy friendship, more often than not, the Straw Hat Crew in One Piece feels like a big happy family.

However, some of the dynamics between the Straw Hat Crew members aren’t nearly as developed, despite being a fan favorite of the crew. This includes the relationship between Franky and Robin in One Piece, two characters who at first seem incredibly incompatible, but play extremely well off one another. This is especially true in one of One Piece’s newest chapters where Franky reveals a small detail that hints about how much he cares for the Straw Hat archaeologist.


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Franky And Robin Have An Interesting Dynamic In One Piece

The Two Are The Incredibly Smart And Slightly Mature Members Of The Straw Hats

Being the first two fully-fledged adults on the crew, Franky and Robin have always had an interesting dynamic. In many ways, at least before the arrival of Jinbe on the Straw Hats, Franky and Robin acted as the “mother and father” of the Straw Hats. Additionally, with both characters being brilliant and incredibly knowledgeable in their specific fields, the two hold a lot of respect for one another. Although their personalities, with Robin being a calmer individual and Franky being overly intense and dramatic, are incredibly different, the differences between them bring out the best of each character, with Robin reigning Franky back, and Franky introducing a new side of Robin. This is most notable in the scene where Robin “convinces” Franky to leave with the Straw Hats.

We gotta show this to Robin! – Franky

For these reasons and many more, Robin and Franky have always seemed to be good friends on the Straw Hat Crew in One Piece, and a new chapter adds something to support their closeness. In Chapter 1138 of One Piece, Franky is exploring the Adam Tree with the help of the giant, Ripley. While exploring the tree, Franky discovers a massive mural that tells the story of One Piece’s mysterious Void Century, something that Robin is trying to uncover as her major goal throughout the series.

Franky’s Reaction To The Ancient Mural Proves He Thinks Of Robin

His First Thoughts Are To Share It With Robin

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  • Franky’s First Thought When Seeing The Mural Is Of Robin
  • Other Straw Hats May Not Think Of Robin As Quickly

When Ripley reveals that the mural itself was painted by giant children during One Piece’s Void Century, before anything else, Franky’s first thought is that he needs to show this to Robin. Franky, although very goofy at times, understands Robin’s interests and goals. Before anything else, Franky thinks of Robin and how much the mural would mean to her, even before examining it closely himself.


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Although this may seem small, many of the other members of the Straw Hat Crew, especially those with goofy personalities like Franky, most likely wouldn’t have a similar initial interaction. For example, the protagonist of One Piece, Luffy, and Usopp, though they would eventually consider showing Robin, would most likely be goofing off to acknowledge the archaeologist’s connection to the Void Century at first. Overall, this moment shows Franky’s level of maturity that many of the younger Straw Hats still lack, showing a level of focus that many fans forget he has.

Other Straw Hats Would Think To Share The Mural With Robin As Well

This Still Shows That Franky Thinks About And Acknowledges Robin’s Goals

Franky Robin One Piece Smile

Still, it seems that many of the Straw Hats would also acknowledge Robin at the slightest mention of the Void Century and One Piece’s mysterious history. For characters like Brook, Jinbe, Nami, and even Chopper, it seems just as likely that they would be excited to show Robin an interesting historical artifact. However, just because other characters would do the same doesn’t take away from this small development in the dynamic between Robin and Franky.

What an attractive woman before me. You’re our super archaeologist, Robin aren’t you?! – Franky

In the end, this moment is an incredibly small reminder of the little things that Franky and Robin in One Piece do for one another that make them part of a family. Without hesitation, when hearing of an ancient mural and the Void Century, Franky thinks of Robin before anything else, prioritizing his crewmate over his curiosity. Now fans will have to wait for Franky to show Robin the Ancient Mural in One Piece. Hopefully, this scene will also further build upon the Franky and Robin dynamic.


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