Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl Walkthrough (Part 10) – Final Missions (Kaymanov/Project Y Ending) – IGN

Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl Walkthrough (Part 10) – Final Missions (Kaymanov/Project Y Ending) – IGN

In this Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl walthrough guide, we take you through the Road to the Foundation, Down Below, Last Wish, and Let No One Leave Unsatisfied main missions. These are the final main missions in the game. We are on the Strelok Path but going for the Kaymanov Ending, so we will spare Kaymanov, which means we’ll have boss fights against Col. Korshunov, Strelok, and Scar before reaching the ending.

00:01 – Intro

The Road to the Foundation

01:11 – Fight off the attack to enter the facility

07:00 – We’ll be going to the movie theater as there is also a Gauss gun there we’ll be grabbing

13:00 – There is a Pseudogiant, but we’re not going to worry about it, we just want to drop down and grab the Gauss gun and sprint away

17:00 – At the bookstore, we’ll be getting two blueprints and also dealing with a ton of soldiers before finding the coordinates on the Ward squad leader

22:55 – Liberty Exosuit location and blueprint location

23:55 – How to open this door to get to the other blueprint

25:30 – Just have to keep searching the bodies for the right one to get the coordinates

Down Below

27:15 – We’re choosing the Olympiya Cafe because it’s a little more of a stealth approach

29:00 – Use the Ferris wheel as a landmark

33:25 – The true Point of No Return, so make a safety save if you want to continue to do other missions. Once you beat the game, you don’t get to go back into the world, it’s just over.

33:45 – Watch for traps

36:50 – No other way to put it, this next bit of fighting sucks. Do the best you can, use cover, and keep trying to push forward when you can.

40:15 – Flip this switch during the battle

44:11 – The next switch to flip

51:18 – Cutscene (breaching the facility)

52:53 – Boss fight: Col. Korshunov — a relatively straight forward boss fight, the Colonel will always return to one of the steam covers when he’s taken enough damage, and at that point you run up and melee him

55:15 – Cutscene (down goes the Colonel)

55:59 – Grab the Pendant and the Colonel’s unique weapon, the Beast

56:36 – Cutscene (Dalin’s choice)

1:01:50 – After talking with Strelok and Richter, grab the X7 Suit and the INCREDIBLE Sotnyk Rifle off the desk behind Strelok

The Last Wish

1:03:00 – Cutscene (we’ll be sparing the doctor because we want the Kaymanov Ending, this will put us at odds with Strelok)

1:05:13 – Here is the choice itself, select “Lower the gun” if you want to be on the Kaymanov path like us

1:07:37 – Labyrinth IV unique weapon

1:10:27 – Cutscene (the doctor’s memories)

1:16:20 – Heal Richter before heading to the top of the Red Fortress

1:25:40 – Cutscene (we are at odds with Strelok now, so we’ll confront him here)

Let No One Leave Unsatisfied

1:27:51 – Boss fight: Strelok — keep your distance and try to track him by following the blue trail he leaves. He eventually triggers anomalies around himself, which is why it’s better to shoot him from distance.

1:31:12 – Take the Heart of Chornobyl artifact off Strelok’s body

1:39:14 – Cutscene (confronting Scar)

1:42:30 – Boss fight: Scar — you want to lure Scar to three different areas where you’ll press a button to trigger monitors. When the monitors impact him ,that’s when you can damage him. You have to do all three monitor locations to eventually win this fight.

1:45:30 – Loot Scar’s body for the Altered Toast artifact, and a unique Gauss gun, the EM-1

2:00:55 – This final fight/battle room against Granite squad is truly awful. If you can cheese it, you should do it. The way we usually can trigger the start of the fight is to find the one soldier who is barely visible (the other soldiers magically spawn in once you trigger the fight itself). After you kill the one soldier, the fight itself begins. Retreat to a safe area and wait for a second orange mission indicator to pop up on your compass at the top of the screen. When it does, that’s your sign to sprint along the right side of the room and get to the now open door. Kill the one soldier inside and get to the console.

2:05:20 – Cutscene (final scene, Kaymanov Ending achieved, Project Y achievement earned)

2:12:30 – Credits

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