Should you paint the bull or rat out Prochek in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

Should you paint the bull or rat out Prochek in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

Early on in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 you’re given a side quest called Mice from Innkeeper Prochek in the small town of Tachov. He wants you to pain the bull of Landowner Olbram from the neighboring town of Zhelejov. But should you pain the bull or rat out Prochek for the Mice quest in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2?

Should you paint the bull for the Mice quest or rat out Prochek and do the Frogs quest?

While both quests will progress this quest chain to the Battle of the Frogs and Mice side quest, I recommend ratting out Prochek over painting the bull. Doing so will fail the Mice quest, but give you access to a new quest called Frogs, which actually has better quest rewards. Here are all the completion possibilities and rewards for both the Mice and Frogs quests:

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What happens if you paint the bull and complete the Mice quest?

If you choose to side with Innkeeper Prochek of Tachov, you’ll need to follow through with painting the bull. After getting the quest from him, speak to Radovan the Blacksmith in Tachov who will tell you about a Lullaby Potion that can put animals to sleep. Then, head to Tailor Bartoshek in Troskowitz who will sell you some Red Dye for 60 Groschen. If you have high speech, you can actually get the dye for free.

Next, you’ll need to craft the Lullaby Potion at an Alchemy Bench by following this recipe:

  • First, add some Oil to the cauldron.
  • Next, add one Poppy (found east of Troskowitz in the garden) to the Cauldron, and flip the hourglass for one cycle.
  • Then, add one Thistle (found south of the Apothecary in Troskowitz) to the Cauldron, and flip the hourglass for another cycle.
  • Grind up one Herb Paris (bought from the Apothecary in Troskowitz) and add it to the Cauldron.
  • Pour the Cauldron into the vial to receive a Lullaby Potion.

The stronger the quality Lullaby Potion you make, the less you will need to be successful. You can expect to use three doses in total.

Finally, head to Zhelejov and into the barn where the bull resides. Approach the Stone Trough in the barn and pour the Lullaby Potion in, but make sure you’re not spotted by anyone as this is of course illegal. Be careful not to put too much in, as it can kill the bull and fail the quest completely.

After a few hours, the bull will fall asleep, and you can approach it and interact with it to pain it. No matter what you paint on it, the quest will be complete. Head back to Prochek and report on your success and you will receive 85 Groschen and some Reputation.

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What happens if you rat our Prochek instead?

As you can see, the reward for completing the Mice quest isn’t that great. If you choose to rat out Prochek and tell Old Olbram about his plan, you will immediately fail the Mice quest but unlock the Frogs side quest. For this quest, Olbram wants you to steal the Maypole from Tachov.

You have two options for completing the Frogs side quest: luring Henik away from the Maypole, or knocking out Henik. For the first option, visit Henik at the maypole and speak with him. He will talk about his crush on Manka, by but being able to actually meet with her due to guarding the Maypole. Choose the option “I’ll take over for you, so you two can go out.”

Go to sleep and the next morning head to the tavern in Tachov and you will find Manka. Tell her that you are going to watch the Maypole so her and Henik can go on a date, then go and sleep again until it is night time.

Visit Henik at the Maypole and tell him Manka agreed to the date. He will then start to leave. You need to wait until Henik is completely gone from the area, and then you can climb and collect the Tachov Maypole.

The other option is to visit Innkeeper Prochek in Tacho and ask about the Maypole using various speech skills. Prochek will talk about his love for Manka as well, and ask you to beat up Henik so he lets her be. If you agree, then wait until it’s dark and visit the Maypole and speak with Henik. Ask Henik about his brothers, why they left, and when Henik plans to run off. He will be upset, and start a fight with you. Simply win to knock him out, then take the Maypole.

Return to Zhelejov and speak with Olbram to turn in the Maypole for a reward of 45 Groschen. This isn’t as much for going the other route, however, it opens up an additional objective in which you can create a nuisance at Tachov. Agree to do it then head to the Alchemist and purchase a Digestive Potion. Finally, head to the tavern in the morning around 8AM and add a Digestive Potion to the food being prepared inside. Wait until 2PM and head to the market location on the map at the sheep farm, and you should notice Alshik is not there.

Walk up to and push six of the sheep out of the pasture and into the western forest beside the sheep farm. This will complete the objective, but you also have an optional objective to soil some of the laundry that you can find nearby. To do so, simply push a sheep towards that area, and it will do the deed. Doing this optional quest, however, will lose you reputation with Tachov.

Return to Olbram at Zhelejov and you can completely finish the Frogs side quest which will earn you 175 Groschen. Regardless of which you chose, you will now have access to the Frogs and Mice side quest.

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