Jiggle-powered, apparently decent action game Stellar Blade confirmed for PC release in June

Jiggle-powered, apparently decent action game Stellar Blade confirmed for PC release in June

Anime action game Stellar Blade has been confirmed for PC release in June 2025. Developed by South Korean studio Shift Up and published by Sony, it’s about fighting monsters on post-apocalyptic Earth by means of combos, parries and gauge-based super moves. It’s got an open world full of NPC quest-givers and creatures designed by Hee-Cheol Jang, the mad scientist behind the menageries of Okja and The Host. It’s also got a protagonist we can summarise as Bayonetta played straight.

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I fear there is context we must discuss. Since its console release last year, Stellar Blade’s protagonist Eve – who is modelled after South Korean influencer Shin Jae-Eun – has become the postergirl for a vocal audience of Very Good Boys, who see reflected in her skintight metallic bodysuit a utopia in which all talk of sexism and critique of male gaze has been silenced, and there is nothing to complicate anybody’s down-to-Earth enjoyment of jiggle physics.

Or at least, that was the case until Shift Up had the appalling bad taste to equip one of Eve’s downloadable outfits with a modest undershirt for the international release – covering up a few crucial inches of Free Speech in a brazen blow to the billiards of the internet’s gentlemanly sophisticates. There were cries of “censorship”. There was a petition, written in several languages like the Rosetta Stone; perhaps aliens will use it to decipher our cultures once we’ve all been wiped out by asteroids. Somebody, possibly a troll, started the Twitter hashtag #freestellarblade. It was like a scene from the French Revolution, except that all the people yelling about cleavage don’t mean the guillotine.

I’m not 100% clear how things stand at the minute, but I’ve seen a lot of talk from the damper regions of social media about Stellar Blade being snubbed by the Game Awards 2024, so presumably Shift Up have been forgiven for buying Eve a shirt. For what it’s worth, Stellar Blade sounds like a well-made action-adventure, sexualised protagonist notwithstanding. Reviewing the console version for Eurogamer, Jessica Orr praised its “killer tunes and vibey, flow-state combat”, while highlighting moments of “surprisingly endearing weirdness”.

The PC version will be “optimised for PC”, and presumably includes various updates added to the console version, like the photo mode. It’ll launch alongside the Goddess of Nikke DLC, trailered above. You can read more on Steam.

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