How to survive during Rescue the Dry Devil in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

How to survive during Rescue the Dry Devil in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

After unlocking Kuttenberg for the first time in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, you’ll team up with Zizka to track down the Dry Devil. Soon after, you’ll be ambushed and forced to fight in an outnumbered battle that can be quite tricky. Here’s how to survive that battle and Rescue the Dry Devil in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.

How to survive the ambush and Rescue the Dry Devil

The final part of the Speak of the Devil main story quest will send you out to Rescue the Dry Devil. On the way, your group is ambushed and you end up having to fight what is essentially a 12v3 battle. If you’re not careful, this quickly becomes like a 10v1 and can be near impossible to actually survive. Thankfully, there is a strategy you can employ to turn the tide of battle.

To survive the ambush, you really need to make use of the Pistole hand cannon you just looted before the ambush. Even though it’s a bit clunky to use, it is a one-shot kill even through the most armored of units. As soon as you gain control of Henry, you want to charge forward a bit and look for the Captain of the group who is clad in full black armor including a helmet. Quickly aim your Pistole at him and fire, and you will take him out in one kill.

If you don’t take out this Captain quickly, he will go on an absolute rampage, quickly taking down all of your allies which can make the rest of the fight brutal. Once he’s out of the way, keep using your Pistole to take out the armored enemies, as well as helping out your allied units so they don’t go down. They are invaluable for this fight as they will take the aggro of one or two people themselves.

Another cheese strategy for Rescue the Dry Devil KCD2

Another cheese strategy for Rescue the Dry Devil

Despite the above strategy, it can still be a tricky fight. In fact, I’d argue this is one of the more frustrating parts of Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2. Fortunately, there’s a bit of a cheese strat you can execute to make surviving this ambush easier. You’ll first want to take out the Captain using your Pistole, but afterward, turn around and look for the far wagon cart full of straw. Not the one immediately close to you, but the one behind that.

Hop onto this wagon cart and position yourself firmly in the straw. The remaining enemies will charge the cart, but don’t know how to actually get to you, so they just sort of stand around it with their weapons drawn. You can then pick them off easily one-by-one either using your Pistole or even a bow or crossbow.

The only caveat to this strategy is that depending on your positioning, the enemy archers can still shoot you which is annoying. I recommend trying to take them out first, but you can also maneuver yourself so that melee-armed enemies are between you and the archer. They will then hold off on firing out of fear of hitting their allies.

Regardless of the strategy you use, once you take out all of the enemies that are part of the ambush, you will Rescue the Dry Devil and complete the Speak of the Devil main story quest!

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