Climbing the Tower of Hell can be quite a challenge, even for experienced obby players, making this a very unique and fun game. Thankfully, there are skills, Mutators, that can make the game easier for you, but also for your friends playing with you. To see which ones are good, which ones are global, and which ones are cosmetic, follow along to our Tower of Hell Mutators guide and tier list below.
Tower of Hell Mutators Tier List
As we can see here, not all Mutators in Tower of Hell were created equal. There are also some that are cosmetic, not improving the actual gameplay. Mutators like Double Jump and Checkpoints are mandatory if you want to climb to the highest floors of the tower, but Mutators like Invisibility and Bunny Hop are there simply as a little bit of fun, not making the game easier.
Tower of Hell Mutators List
Below is a complete and detailed list of all Mutators in Tower of Hell, listed by usefullness:
Unfortunately, some of these are cosmetic and don’t do anything to help you climb. Mutators like Invincibility are great, but Double Jump and Checkpoints will cost you Robux instead, so make sure to choose wisely. Out of the lower-cost ones, we recommend Extra Time and Low Gravity since they both provide good climbing utility.
How Do I Get Mutators in Tower of Hell
To unlock Mutators in Tower of Hell first you have to find the Pixy’s Shop on the ground floor of the tower. Some Mutators are unlocked with Robux, but some can be unlocked with in-game currency. To get currency, climb the tower, do challenges and help other players. Once you have enough, head on over to the shop, select the Mutator you want and press on it to purchase it.
Now you have learned everything from our Tower of Hell Mutators guide and tier list, and your climb can begin! If you are interested in more obby games, make sure to check out our Skateboard Obby codes for some cool freebies.