The Blade that Hungers treasure map location and solution in Avowed

The Blade that Hungers treasure map location and solution in Avowed

The Blade that Hungers is one of Avowed’s most difficult treasure maps, thanks to general clues that give you almost nothing to go on and a visual trick that makes deciphering those even more challenging.

It’s worth the trouble, though. The weapon at the end is one of the most useful in the game, especially at this point, so much so that it’s worth speeding through Galawin’s Tusks to get it before tackling any quests there.

This Avowed guide shows where to find The Blade that Hungers treasure map, where to find the treasure itself, and what you’ll get for doing so

Where to find The Blade that Hungers treasure map

You can purchase The Blade that Hungers from Bulti, a merchant in the upper levels of Solace Keep who’s standing in front of a giant altar with a stone book on it. He’s selling the map for 4,030 skeyt.

If this is your first time heading to Solace Keep, make sure Marius is in your party. The Warden at the gate won’t let you in without him.

The Blade that Hungers location solution

This treasure map drawing is rather misleading, which makes sense in the context of the reason why the treasure was hidden, but still makes finding it a bit difficult. The perspective is looking southwest toward the Ash Forest outpost, and given how far north that location is, the only possible location is in the tunnels and mountains east of the fort.

The stone arch is the key here. Look northeast from it, and you’ll see a little tunnel with a tree in front. You’ll know this is the right area if a bunch of spiders start swarming you. Follow the tunnel, and it’ll spit you out in front of the chest containing the Umbral Needle dagger.

The Blade that Hungers reward

The Umbral Needle is a powerful tier-four dagger with a decent critical hit chance and two excellent enchantments.

The Blade that Hungers stats

The Blade that Hungers enchantments

Greater Opening Strike is useful at the start of any battle, but the real standout here is Fampyr’s Bite. Maintaining full health is tough in Galawin’s Tusk, even more so if Giatta isn’t in your party. Having an easy and instant way to replenish HP without using food or potions is an essential aid if you’re struggling to stay alive during this leg of the adventure.

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