Avowed Bounties Guide

Avowed Bounties Guide

Bounties, or Bounty Missions, is one of the several ways you can explore in Avowed to get more resources and improve your character.

The game follows a pretty straightforward system when it comes to quests. There’s the main storyline, along with additional side quests to participate in. Bounties are similar to side quests in some ways, and you can find them in every region. These missions are pretty difficult to complete in the first place, but they’re extremely rewarding.

How to start Bounties in Avowed

Well, the first step is to continue along the main quest line, as it will help you reach new locations. Every location will have a major settlement, and you’ll be able to find the Bounty quests there.

Every region has a total of five Bounties to complete, and you can accept them from the board. You’ll be able to access the Bounty board as soon as you complete the extended tutorial and get past the Northreach Fort area.

How to complete Bounties in Avowed

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Usually, Bounties are high-value targets that are located on the map. The task was pretty simple: find the target and defeat them. Bounty targets are highlighted with a blue demon symbol and a glowing ring around them on the mini-map.

If you haven’t accepted a Bounty, you can still see the location of the targets on the map. You’ll get the same rewards as if you hadn’t accepted the bounty when you go to collect your reward. Just pick up the bounty at the board, and you’ll get an option to tell the bounty master, “I’ve already completed some bounties.” for a little unique dialogue.

While the location is displayed on the mini-map, some will be inside a cave or hidden area. However, finding them isn’t difficult as you’ll have a general idea of the location. Every target will have multiple enemies around them, and I always eliminate the healers first. Your bounty should be the final target, as it’s almost always better to clear the minions first.

Are Bounties Worth Completing in Avowed

Bounties aren’t ordinary side quests, and some of them can be incredibly difficult to complete. You first have to find the target and eliminate multiple enemies. I suggest that you aim to complete as many as possible. In fact, it’s best to clear all available Bounties in a given region before you move on to the next.

Completing these missions will fetch you 500 currency, which increases in amount. But you should look to complete them for the unique items. Most bounties have Unique weapons, armor, and accessories hidden at the location. Some of the targets also have valuable items that you can loot once you defeat them. Additionally, completing these quests will help you level up your character faster and unlock new skills. Hence, it makes complete sense for you to accept and finish as many Bounties as you can in Avowed.

All Bounties and their rewards in Avowed

You’ll come across a host of bounties to complete once you gain access to Paradis in Dawnshore, and the choices just increase as you explore more regions.

Note: This Bounty Rewards guide will be updated as new information is discovered.

Bounty Location Rewards
Nacib Paradis City in Dawnshore Gold: 500
• Silver Fenning x12
• Spider Leg x2
Octav Godless Ruins, Overgrown Frontier in Dawnshore Gold: 500
• Sheathed in Summer
• Common Dagger
• Lockpick
• Essence Potion
Ralga Mercenary Falls, The Reach in Dawnshore Gold: 500
• Adra
• Silver Fenning x8
• Paradisan Ladder
• Raw Lashwing Meat
• Raw Alabasker
• Ogre Blood
Tempestuous Luandi Ship Graveyard, Ondra’s Reach in Dawnshore Gold: 500
• Caeroc’s Pride
• Bunch of Peppers
The Yellowbands Yellowband Camp, Pagrunen Ruins in Dawnshore Gold: 500
Equipment: Kithwarder
• Various rewards
Balderreno Naku Tedek Grounds in Emerald Stair Gold: 750
The Trantons Western Forest in Emerald Stair Gold: 750
Tranton Family Brigandine
Tranton Family Greaves
Tranton Family Gauntlets
Tranton Family Talismam
Old Nuna The Grotto in Emerald Stair Gold: 750
Delemgan Western Forest in Emerald Stair Gold: 750
Xaurips Abandoned Farms in Emerald Stair Gold: 1200
Kukae Maka Ancient Lakebed in Shatterscarp Gold: 1200
Captain Tago Shark’s Teeth in Shatterscarp Gold: 1200
Koda and Dario Sand Sea Ruins, Great Sand Sea in Shatterscarp Gold: 1200
Moi Piki Galawain’s Tusks Gateway in Shatterscarp Gold: 1200
Xaurip Captain Grithin Twin Offerings Overlook, Great Sand Sea in Shatterscarp Gold: 1200

Once again, it’s not mandatory to complete the Bounties, but the additional rewards certainly help in your in-game progression.

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