“Surely We’ll Liberate It This Time?” Helldivers 2 Players Are Calling For Martale Liberation … Again

“Surely We’ll Liberate It This Time?” Helldivers 2 Players Are Calling For Martale Liberation … Again

Helldivers have just finished the previous Major Order, and they are still quite hyped up because of the Fori Prime victory. Thus, they want to try their best and liberate some more planets while they wait for the next MO. Botdivers are asking the community to help them try to once again liberate the one that got away. Yes, the liberation of Martale is back on the menu, and all Helldivers 2 players are invited to join.

Why Should Helldivers Go to Martale Instead of Charon Prime?

Now, botdivers tried liberating Martale several times in the past couple of months. Most notably, in mid-January, there was an exquisite effort to free this planet while its regen rate was at 0% per hour. However, the majority of the community was fighting elsewhere. Thus, even though Martale was more than 80% liberated, the moment the regen rate went to 1%, this entire mission was doomed. This caused some friction between botdivers and bugdivers, as the players watched the Martale liberation drop from 80+% to 0.

Well, the bugdivers might have a chance to redeem themselves. Since the MO finished on February 24, Helldivers probably won’t get another one until February 25. This leaves them with around 24 hours to help the botdivers achieve their dreams.

Of course, this won’t be an easy feat. Especially given that Charon Prime, connected to Martale, is under attack. At the time of writing this article, there are almost 6k players on Martale, but there are 24k players on Charon Prime.

The progress of Martale liberation in Helldivers 2.
Image via N4G Unlocked

This seems like a perfect time for players to remind the players of the term gambit. You see, Charon Prime is connected to three planets in total. Two of them are under the control of Super Earth, and the third one is Martale. This means that the attack on Charon Prime is coming from Martale. If the players liberated Martale, there wouldn’t be any bots left on it to attack Charon Prime. Thus, the defense would be completed automatically.

Liberation of Martale Is Crucial, According to Some Helldivers

Many Helldivers 2 players are campaigning for the liberation of Martale. It would be a shame not to use this opportunity to completely get rid of bots on two planets. So, botdivers took to social media, trying to persuade the rest of the community to join them.

Matix777 stated: “Divers, we have 24 hours to capture Martale. Let’s not screw up another gambit”. Another player, gharp468, added: “Surely we can’t fail to conquer Martale at 80% 5 times In a row right?”.

Unfortunately, even though there have been many outcries, it’s possible that the Martale liberation will once again fail. Nibblewerfer noted: “If there’s one planet we can guarantee the Helldivers will fumble the bag on it is Martale”.

We truly hope that the rest of the Helldivers will come through and help their fellow botdivers this time. And, who knows, maybe J.O.E.L will give in and give the players a Major Order on the bot front, that would be wonderful. In the meantime, we’ll be diving on Martale, will you join us? For Liberty and Super Earth.

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