In standard TFD experience boils down to wandering an area on your own and then teaming up with others when you enter an Infiltration Operation. The Outposts were an exception, but they have recently fallen out of favor. The players asked time and time again will there be some open-world content in The First Descendant, and Nexon revealed that something along those lines is planned for the future.
In TFD, each server can usually have up to 4 players in one area at a time, with the exception of Albion. So the interactions between non-party players are few and far between. It was probably due to the stability of servers and the general feeling of the game that Nexon decided to have a very limited number of players per server. But, players have been asking for some “world bosses”, especially since one of the first trailers for the game shows Descendants fighting a Colossus in Kingston. A more interactive battlefield would be way more interesting than a bunch of stone blocks, and it looks like Nexon has some ideas.
“Field-Exclusive Content” Nexon More Open-World Stuff Planned for The First Descendant in the Future
We recently had an AMA session with TFD devs on Discord, where they answered a ton of questions, and revealed that they are planning to fix the “ghost bullet” issue, that a collab is on the way, streamline the colossi farming, rework Outposts, and more. One of the players asked “Will there be any improvements in the open world and open-world missions? The game has become instance-based and lacks the core concept of playing and meeting new players?” To which, Minseok Joo answered:
“Yes, we are preparing plans for new fields and field-exclusive content in the future. While we will continue to add matchmaking-based content, we also aim to develop more field-based content where players can encounter each other naturally and enjoy multiplayer experiences.”
This was automatically translated, but it is safe to assume that “fields” just mean “areas”, like Agna Desert, Kingston, etc. Some more meaningful player interaction would be a welcome addition to the current state of TFD. Let’s just hope this doesn’t take too long.