The Essential Rune Slayer Beginner’s Guide

The Essential Rune Slayer Beginner’s Guide

Third time’s the charm, it seems, as Rune Slayer finally saw the light of day. I expected it to be complex, but the sheer depth of the game took me by surprise. If you want to avoid spending a whole hour in the tutorial area (don’t ask) like I did, then you’ll need a helping hand and a bit of min-maxing. That’s precisely the reason why we’ve cooked up the essential Rune Slayer beginner’s guide

Rune Slayer Beginner’s Guide: Tips Before You Start 

Before we get into the nitty-gritty, let’s do a rundown of things you should or shouldn’t do when starting off in Rune Slayer

  • Don’t be careless and pick a class wisely. You can’t impact your race choice, but you can make or break your initial gameplay depending on what you choose. 
  • Don’t disregard quests in the beginning. They’re easy and provide much-needed exp, which will fast-track your early progression. 
  • Pick up food whenever you can. Unless you roll an Ailuran Thief, you’ll be slow and clunky in the beginning, so that healing will go a long way. 
  • Do the Adventures’ Guild jobs ASAP. They also bring a lot of exp and you’ll get to progress in the main storyline upon reaching Rank E. If they bug out, just abandon and pick up again. 

Now let’s start from the top and work our way down ‘till you’re ready to dominate and clown on your guildmates. 

Rune Slayer Character Creation

To start our Rune Slayer beginner’s guide, let’s first see how to create a character. Right off the bat, you need a character slot. The first slot is free, while every other after it costs 150 Robux. Also, your first character will be a common race (Human, Elf or Orc). Once you’ve picked your slot, customize your character’s aesthetics. 

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Next, choose one of the classes (Archer, Warrior, Striker, Magician, Thief, Priest), depending on which race you roll.  

After customizing the class and looks of your character, the game will prompt you to drag an ability into the action bar. I know it seems pointless, but it’s a nice way of teaching the player how to quickly use new abilities. 

And voila, that’s it. Instead of spawning in the starting zone, this is your first character, which means the Rune Slayer tutorial area awaits

How to Beat the Tutorial Area in Rune Slayer 

Here’s a quick rundown of how to beat the Rune Slayer tutorial and learn the ropes at the same time. 

rune slayer beginners guide spawn
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You’ll spawn in what’s basically Darnassus from World of Warcraft. Head to the left immediately to pick up the Apples. Any type of food restores health, and you’re going to need it real soon. 

rune slayer beginners guide apples
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Don’t miss the tips on the ground, either. Nice homage to LotR, I must say. 

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Next, engage the three skeletons. Make sure you can beat them relatively easily, otherwise, you’re in for a bad time at the end of the tutorial. My advice would be to rely on blocking and use your class’s strengths to your advantage. 

rune slayer beginners guide combat
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After the third skeleton, on the right side, you’ll find the Copper Axe. Don’t forget to pick it up, as it’s essential for crafting and gathering resources

rune slayer beginners guide axe
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Now, for the final part of the Rune Slayer tutorial, you’re going to have to apply everything you learn to a very Dark Souls-like dragon boss, the Vampiric Dragon Lord. He has a cleave attack, a fire breath AoE and hits hard. Make sure you parry every attack and dodge frequently.

rune slayer beginners guide vampiric dragon lord
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If you’re playing as an Archer, you can cheese the Vampiric Dragon Lord. Just bring him back to the side passage at the third skeleton, and he’ll get stuck. Just spam away and he’s yours. Worried you can’t beat him? No need to be, you’ll spawn in Wayshire even if you die.

rune slayer beginners guide cheesing the dragon boss
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In the next part of our Rune Slayer beginner’s guide, we’ll tackle some of the key things on your to-do list once you are done with the big bad dragon.

Key Tasks and Quests You Need to Complete

Once you spawn in Wayshire, all that’s left to do is complete the essential tasks needed to learn mechanics and unlock key features. 

Some quest-givers have a conversation chain you need to complete to unlock the quest, but most have a question mark above their heads. Most of the quests aren’t essential to the story, but give you valuable XP, chances to farm resources and maybe even get drops. 

rune slayer beginners guide quest
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To be finally ready to level up fast in Rune Slayer, complete the following tasks and quests:  

1. Join the Adventurer’s Guild

rune slayer beginners guide adventurers guild
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  • Quest giver: Receptionist NPC
  • Location: Adventurer’s Guild headquarters in Wayshire
  • How to do it: Upon arriving in Wayshire, locate the Adventurer’s Guild on a hill within the town. Interact with the Receptionist NPC to join the guild. This membership grants you access to the Job Board, where you can accept various quests to earn experience and rewards.

2. Pick Up Adventurer’s Guild Jobs

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  • Quest giver: Job Board
  • Location: Near the outskirts of Wayshire
  • Guide: For instance, one job involves hunting down and eliminating a specified number of bee hives around Wayshire. Completing tasks like this rewards you with experience points and materials useful for crafting. If you need to find specific NPCs or areas for jobs, check out the Rune Slayer Trello and Discord and the community will have the answer. 

3. Sadie’s Lost Bag

rune slayer beginners guide sadie
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  • Quest giver: Sadie
  • Location: Central marketplace of Wayshire
  • How to do it: Sadie has had her bag stolen by pests. Speak with her to start the quest, then search around the wilderness, kill the mobs and pick up the bag. Returning it to Sadie rewards you with a small bag, expanding your inventory capacity.

4. Craft Your First Weapon 

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  • Quest giver: Winfrid the Blacksmith
  • Location: Eastern part of Wayshire
  • How to do it: The blacksmith requests your assistance in crafting a basic copper weapon. Gather copper ore from nearby mining spots, use the smelter beside the blacksmith to create copper ingots, and then craft the weapon at the crafting bench near the entrance. This quest introduces you to the crafting system and rewards you with a new weapon.

5. Learn How to Fish in Rune Slayer 

rune slayer beginners guide fishing
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  • Quest giver: Simon the Fisherman
  • Location: Southern part of Wayshire, near the water
  • How to do it: Simon offers to teach you the basics of fishing. Purchase a beginner’s fishing rod and bait from him, equip the rod, and cast your line into the nearby water. Once you see ripples around the bobber, click to reel in your catch. Completing this quest provides you with food items and introduces the fishing mechanic.

How to Sell Your Items in Rune Slayer

rune slayer beginners guide item selling
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To sell items in Rune Slayer, locate John the Merchant in the starting town of Wayshire. His stall is situated centrally within the town. Approach him to sell unwanted items from your inventory. Additionally, John offers various consumables and crafting materials for purchase.

As you progress, you’ll encounter other merchant NPCs in different towns who provide similar services, allowing you to manage your inventory and acquire necessary supplies throughout your journey.

How to Level Fast in Rune Slayer

There’s no better way to round out this Rune Slayer beginners’ guide than to tackle tips for leveling fast. Once again, before starting, check out our Rune Slayer class tier list to get the upper hand. Then, I would start by chopping up as many trees in the tutorial area as possible, just so you have a stash for later. Next, focus on: 

  1. Completing quests: Quests are a primary source of experience points (XP). Focus on main storyline quests and side quests to maximize XP gains. Make sure you group quests in the same area for more efficient leveling. 
  2. Grinding mobs: Defeating monsters and participating in boss fights contribute significantly to your XP. Seek out areas with enemies appropriate to your level to maintain an efficient leveling pace.
  3. Multi-class: Upon reaching level 10, you can multi-class, allowing you to combine skills from different classes. This versatility enhances combat effectiveness and can accelerate leveling.
  4. Crafting: Gather resources to craft and upgrade your gear. Improved equipment enhances combat efficiency, enabling you to tackle higher-level challenges for better XP rewards.

That should be it for this Rune Slayer beginners’ guide. You’ll be able to grind mobs, complete quests and grow more powerful with each kill. Unless you’ve rolled Orc, that is. But even Orc players will find our Rune Slayer codes useful when you’re fresh out of Wayshire. 

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