Infinity Nikki: In Search of Lost Dreams Event Guide

Infinity Nikki: In Search of Lost Dreams Event Guide

The Eerie Season in Infinity Nikki brings with it not only an exciting variety of new fashion but plenty of challenges and activities for players to participate in. They range from exploring the ruins of Philomia’s castle to caring for a Bullquet, conquering a new season of Mira Crown, and more.


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One of those new challenges in Infinity Nikki is the In Search of Lost Dreams event, and completing its objectives yields some valuable rewards, including a new outfit. To achieve those rewards, you will need to know what the event entails.

How To Unlock In Search Of Lost Dreams Event In Infinity Nikki


To unlock the In Search of Lost Dreams event in Infinity Nikki, all you need to do is complete the ‘Go to the Dream Warehouse!’ quest at the end of Chapter 2 in the main story questline. Once that is fulfilled, the In Search of Lost Dreams event prompt will unlock in your Events menu, and you can start participating in its objectives.

How To Complete In Search Of Lost Dreams Event In Infinity Nikki


The In Search of Lost Dreams event functions similarly to certain other ones in previous Infinity Nikki seasons, such as the Strings of Time event from the Fireworks season. This event features a series of objectives for players to complete during their daily adventures. Many of them are focused on activities related to the Eerie Season, but there are some regular objectives as well that can be done in tandem with your usual daily activities (e.g. – Realm of the Dark, Daily Wishes, Eureka upgrades).

The objectives are subdivided into daily allowances, and each tier contains four different objectives per day. You have the liberty to complete some or all of the objectives in a tier, but you’re not required to do the latter to unlock the next tier.

Each tier is actually time-locked, so you simply need to wait until it unlocks after a daily server reset.


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How To Complete Daily Objectives For In Search Of Lost Dreams Event In Infinity Nikki


Across four different tiers (days), there are a total of 16 possible objectives that you can complete for rewards in the In Search of Lost Dreams event. They each carry different requirements that must be fulfilled in order to receive credit in the form of Dream’s Turn tokens. Each objective grants 100 Dream’s Turn tokens, which you can then use in exchange for several rewards.

Day 1 Objectives For In Search Of Lost Dreams Event


  • Take 1 photo of the full moon – To accomplish this, wait for nightfall and travel to the vicinity of the Queen’s Palace Ruins (use your Run, Pear-Pal feature if needed), at which point a full moon will become visible in the sky. Enter Photo Mode and take a picture of the moon. It will automatically complete the objective.

  • Challenge Illusibloom Depths once – This requires you to enter the Illusibloom Depths via the Illusibloom Depths tab in the Events Menu (as seen above). There are six levels to complete, and you just need to clear one of them to fulfill the objective.

  • Complete exclusive quest ‘Mysterious Prelude’ – This is the first story-related quest that unlocks as part of the Eerie Season. It’s a brief quest that takes you back to the Stylist’s Guild in Florawish to speak with Dada. Its only pre-requisite is completion of the ‘Go to the Dream Warehouse’ quest in Chapter 2 of the main story.

  • Treat the Bullquet 2 times – To accomplish this, follow the Bullquet Care Day questline in Breezy Meadow, and after gathering the required ingredients for the Aroma Formulas you can “treat” the Bullquet’s lethargy with each formula. Do it twice to fulfill the objective.


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Day 2 Objectives For In Search Of Lost Dreams Event


  • Complete all stories in ‘Care Notes’ and ‘Color-changing Tales’ during Bullquet Care Day – As mentioned in the previous tier, this requires participating in the Bullquet Care Day questline, and now you will need to complete all six of the available quests for the event to fulfill the objective.

  • Treat the Bullquet five times – Just as before, use the Soothing Aroma Vial at the Bullquet’s Habitat to “treat” the Bullquet using the appropriate Aroma Formula ingredients. The animal’s coat will change color each time you do it. Once you’ve completed the process at least five times in total, the objective will be fulfilled.

  • Take one photo of Illusiblooms within the Queen Philomia’s Palace Ruins – To achieve this, visit the Queen’s Palace Ruins at night (22:00-4:00) and make your way to the vast courtyard area. There, you can see large Illusiblooms wrapped around the second statue in the center of the courtyard. Approach it and open Photo Mode to take a picture of the flowers. Once done, the objective will be fulfilled.

  • Collect all Whimstars and Dews of Inspiration in the Forest Cavern located in the Queen’s Palace Ruins West Forest – The Forest Cavern in question is located west of the Queen’s Palace Ruins, directly next to the Queen’s Palace Ruins West Forest Warp Spire (if you have it unlocked). Enter the cavern and gather every Dew of Inspiration and Whimstar to fulfill the objective. It’s also conveniently the same cavern where you’ll find the Sprouting Melody growth material for the Budding Tales Whim Fragrance.

Day 3 Objectives for In Search of Lost Dreams Event


  • Earn 18 stars in the Mira Crown Pinnacle Contest – This objective requires you to participate in the newest season of the Mira Crown’s Pinnacle Contest, which consists of eight rounds of style challenges. You can earn up to three stars per round, making the total possible amount you can earn 24 stars. You can focus your efforts on getting perfect scores in the first six rounds for the 18 stars you need, or whichever strategy works best for you. Also, make sure to use your best 4-Star and 5-Star outfits for these challenges, and use your resources to upgrade them if need be.

  • Level up Eurekas by 10 levels in total – For this objective, you need to go to your ‘Eureka’ menu on the Pear-Pal and choose one or more Eurekas to upgrade using Shining Particles or lesser Eurekas that you don’t intend on using. These levels don’t need to be concentrated on one Eureka, just 10 total across any you wish to buff.

  • Consume a total of 1,000 Vital Energy – This objective requires you to spend at least 1,000 Vital Energy, which is used for Realm Challenges at any unlocked Warp Spire. Your daily Vital Energy is capped at 350, so depending on how much you’ve spent over the course of the starting week up to now, this may take a few days or less. The Realm Challenges you choose to do don’t matter, as long as you spend the required amount of energy.
  • Take a photo with the blue Bullquet – This is by far the trickiest objective yet, as the dye process for the Bullquet is kind of a guessing game. However, one proven combination for a “blue Bullquet” is to submit 6 x Starlight Scallops and 6 x Blastpollen. The result is a mixture of blue, purple, and violet, but it will count toward the objective. Once you’ve achieved this color result, go over to the Bullquet and take a photo with it (don’t leave Nikki out, or it won’t count!) to finish the objective.


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Day 5 Objectives for In Search of Lost Dreams Event


  • Collect 6 photos in Memories of Yesterday album – To fulfill this task, you need to obtain at least six pictures for the Memories of Yesterday album challenge. These pictures come from certain photo mode-related objectives and memorable cutscenes during the Eerie Season’s exclusive questline. You should be able to gather enough pictures from these quests up to when you reach ‘In The Lonely Song’ (unlocks on March 4).
  • Take a photo with the black Bullquet – Similar to the previous objective, you now need to dye the Bullquet’s coat black and then take a photo with it. First, go over to the Bullquet, catch the Bustleflies bothering it, and then groom it to calm it down for treatment. To achieve the black color, you must submit 4 x Woolfuit, 4 x Sizzpollen, and 4 x Pearly Shell into the Soothing Aroma Vial. Once you see the color above, go back over to the Bullquet and pose for a photo with it.

  • Complete all Illusibloom Depths stages – As the name suggests, you need to complete all six stages of the Illusibloom Depths challenge to fulfill this objective. The final stage unlocks on March 2 and completing each one grants valuable rewards, from Diamonds to Shiny and Glitter Bubbles. You can find this challenge in your Events menu right underneath ‘Tales of Mystery’.

  • Upgrade Sweet clothes by 100 levels in total – This objective requires you to glow up any Sweet-themed outfit pieces a total of 100 times using Shiny Bubbles. Keep in mind that this doesn’t mean that you need to glow up 100 different outfit pieces, just 100 levels overall. Their star-rating doesn’t matter either. For example, if you choose a full outfit that has 10 different pieces and completely level every piece up to Level 10, that qualifies as 100 levels and the objective will be fulfilled.

All Rewards for In Search Of Lost Dreams Event In Infinity Nikki


The In Search of Lost Dreams Event in Infinity Nikki features a variety of valuable rewards for players who put forth effort into completing the aforementioned objectives. The biggest reward is the entire Dream Chaser outfit, which is a 3-Star Cool-themed look with a contemporary flair. Other rewards include various amounts of Diamonds, Blings, and Glitter Bubbles for your Cool-themed outfits.

The rewards themselves are fixed on a tiered gauge that you must fill with the Dream’s Turn tokens you earn from the objectives. So, the more tokens you obtain, the more rewards you will unlock.

Reward Tier (No. of Dream’s Turn tokens)


100 x Dream’s Turn

60 x Diamonds Focused Path (eyewear accessory) Dreams of Wisdom (earring accessory)

300 x Dream’s Turn

60 x Diamonds Moment of Inspiration (shoes)

500 x Dream’s Turn

60 x Diamonds Countdown to Dawn (jacket) Rushing Gale (hairstyle)

700 x Dream’s Turn

60 x Diamonds Shining Wishes (necklace accessory)

900 x Dream’s Turn

60 x Diamonds Easy Ride (bralette shirt) Chasing Clouds (gloves)

1,100 x Dream’s Turn

100 x Diamonds Dual Hues (pants)

1,300 x Dream’s Turn

20,000 x Bling 100 x Glitter Bubbles: Cool

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