How to get and use Chaliceweed in Monster Hunter Wilds

How to get and use Chaliceweed in Monster Hunter Wilds

Monster Hunter Wilds items span from standard Rarity Level 1 to the elusive Level 5. The Chaliceweed, in particular, falls under Rarity 5, making it challenging to discover. But don’t worry – we’re here to help you track it down in MH Wilds.

How do you get Chaliceweeds in MH Wilds?

Chaliceweed drops rely heavily on MH Wilds’ RNG system, often limiting the chances. Fortunately, you can beat the odds by interacting with Glass Algae or fishing for tuna. I recommend starting with the Glass Algae technique first since it seems to drop the most Chaliceweed compared to fishing.

Glass Algae method

Reddit user Fondor_Yards shared a helpful tip for the Glass Algae, where you can boost your luck with specific materials. Try using equipment with Geology Level 2 and the Forger Luck Armor skill. This includes the Geology Charm from the Talismans section and Azuz Armor pieces from the endgame’s High Rank. Although it won’t guarantee a Chaliceweed spawn, it’ll at least increase your chances.

Glass algae can be found in Scarlet Forest’s Area 13 (below Wudwud Hideout) and Area 2. Use the map’s filter to place a waypoint on the algae.

Screenshot by Destructoid

Dive down and interact with the Glass Algae to farm some Chaliceweed. You likely earn a ton of Gobletweed initially, so you may need to try again. If you want to quicken the speed of the Glass Algae respawn, you can join an Optional Quest in the Scarlet Forest to reset their timers.

Glass Algae in MH Wilds
Screenshot by Destructoid

Fishing method

You can acquire tuna fish, like Gastronome Tuna, to earn Chaliceweed. It’ll sometimes drop with these critter types, but the chances are pretty low. It’s best to perform this technique in Scarlet Forest’s Area 17, where you can use the Tuff Joint Bait from Kaya’s Catch of a Lifetime! side quest (triggers after Gravid Bowfin). Ensure the Environment is set to ‘Plenty’ while resting, as this feature increases Gastronome Tuna spawns.

Area 17 in Scarlet Forest map
Screenshot by Destructoid

This particular method will undoubtedly require a lot of time and patience. Thus, I suggest saving this technique as a last resort to maximize your time.

How to use Chaliceweed in MH Wilds

Use the Chaliceweed with the NPC Rove at Iceshard Cliffs’ Area 20. Exchange the Chaliceweed with him to unlock exclusive items. However, you may need to wait until daytime to trigger his appearance if he’s not there.

Rove Item Trade location in Iceshard Cliffs map
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Rove’s inventory constantly changes, so it’s crucial to make the exchange before he switches it up again. For example, you can use Chaliceweeds to acquire Ancient Wyvern Coins, which pave the way to elite upgrades.

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