Red Dead Redemption 2: A Complete Guide To The Explorer Challenges

Red Dead Redemption 2: A Complete Guide To The Explorer Challenges

To become the one and true Legend of the East in Red Dead Redemption 2, players are going to need to complete all 10 Explorer Challenges. While each of the challenges is the same, and players just need to find a treasure in Red Dead Redemption 2 over 9 times to claim their prized weapon kits from the Trapper, the locations of these treasures can be a bit elusive.


Red Dead Redemption 2: Every Treasure Map & Where To Find Them

Red Dead Redemption 2 features a number of treasure maps (including a couple of PC exclusives) that fans can track down to increase their gold.

For players who want to easily complete the Explorer Challenges in Red Dead Redemption 2, look below to find the easiest ways to get Treasure Maps and where to complete them so that Arthur Morgan can be one step closer to mastering the Old West of 1899.

Explorer Challenge #1 – Find a Treasure Map (Jack Hall Gang Map)

The first Explorer Challenge is the only true unique one of the set, as it will require players to find a Treasure Map. There are plenty of ways to find a Treasure Map in Red Dead Redemption 2, and we have listed several of them that are accessible from Chapter 2 onwards:

  • Jack Hall Gang Map – Acquired from Maximo in the All That Glitters Stranger mission. Maximo can be found West of Flatneck Station in the Heartlands, New Hanover, and players can rob him or purchase the treasure map from him. Failing to do so will see the Jack Hall Treasure Map available at a local Fence.
  • High Stakes Treasure Map – Found through a random encounter with an elderly man atop a cliff by Lenora View, North of Strawberry in West Elizabeth. The only way to acquire this map is to rob the old man. Failing to do so will make this map purchasable from a Fence.
  • Poisonous Trail Map – Found in a lockbox underneath the bed at Cairn Lodge in Cairn Lake, East of Colter in Ambarino.
  • Sketched Map – Found within the fireplace in Reed Cottage, North of Annesburg, Roanoke Ridge, in New Hanover.

These are just some of the many Treasure Maps in Red Dead Redemption 2 that players can found, and once they have one of them, Explorer Challenge #1 will complete. From here, it’s time to find the treasure, and for consistency and ease of access, let’s start with the Jack Hall Gang Map.

The Treasure Maps can be completed in any order for the Explorer Challenges, but we have listed them in an order that is most accessible to all players from the earliest point available.

Explorer Challenge #2 – Find a Treasure (Jack Hall #1)

  • Loot: Pearl Necklace, Jack Hall Gang Map 2
  • Reward: 25 Stamina XP, $5

With the Jack Hall Map acquired, it’s time to head to Caliban’s Seat, which is a cliff just South of Valentine in New Hanover. Once on top of the cliff, players are going to want to follow the rocky side down where there will be enough room for them to hug the wall and walk through. There are a few jumps here to make note of, but at the end of the path, there is a granite wall where Arthur can stick his hand inside to find the treasure for this map, thus completing Explorer Challenge #2.

Explorer Challenge #3 – Find a Treasure (Jack Hall #2

  • Loot: $15, Jack Hall Gang Map 3
  • Reward: Explorer Bandoiler

If players successfully complete the first Jack Hall Treasure Map, then they should have the Jack Hall Gang Map 2 in their inventory. With this map, it’s time to complete Explorer Challenge #3. All players need to do with the map is head to Cotorra Springs, a location found North of Fort Wallace, and between Window Rock and Bacchus Station in Ambarino. Once in Cotorra Springs, look to the rock pillars that are found between the second ‘o’ and ‘r’ of ‘Cotorra’, and investigate the central rock structure to find this treasure.


Red Dead Redemption 2: Hardest Achievements to Earn

There are plenty of achievements in Red Dead Redemption 2 that are going to be hard to collect for those seeking that pure 100% platinum.

Explorer Challenge #4 – Find a Treasure (Jack Hall #3)

  • Loot: x2 Gold Bars
  • Reward: 50 Stamina XP, $10

The final and easiest of the Jack Hall Gang Treasure Maps is Jack Hall Gang Map 3, which should now be in the hands of players from the previous Explorer Challenge. Finding this treasure will complete Explorer Challenge #4, and the location to solve this treasure is at the center island in O’Creagh’s Run in the Grizzlies East, Ambarino. All players need to do is swim out (or ride a horse) to the central island, where on the North side of the island beside a mossy floor, there will be a rock to investigate with the treasure inside.

Explorer Challenge #5 – Find a Treasure (Landmark of Riches #1)

  • Loot: Gold Earring, Silver Earring, Landmark of Riches Map 2
  • Reward: 50 Stamina XP, $10

Now that the Jack Hall Gang Map chain has been completed, players need a new map. An easy one to find is the Landmarks of Riches Map, with the first being located by the Obelisk landmark in the far West area of West Elizabeth, just by the Owanjila Lake which is West of Strawberry. Head to the Obelisk and investigate its central plaque to obtain a map. With the map acquired, head to the Tiny Church found East of Lakay in the Bayou Nwa, Lemoyne, and pick up the treasure that’s by the church bell on the rooftop.

Explorer Challenge #6 – Find a Treasure (Landmark of Riches #2)

  • Loot: Gold Jointed Bracelet, Landmarks of Riches Map 3
  • Reward: 100 Stamina XP, $15

Landmarks of Riches Map 2 will take players to the Mysterious Hill Home, a location found North of Bacchus Station in Ambarino. To obtain the treasure, players will need to climb the grassy rooftop of the Mysterious Hill Home and interact with the broken window, where the treasure will provide Explorer Challenge #6 as completed, along with a new map for Challenge #7.

Explorer Challenge #7 – Find a Treasure (Landmark of Riches #3)

  • Loot: Silver Chain Bracelet, Landmark of Riches Map 4
  • Reward: Explorer Gun Belt

With the Landmark of Riches Map 3 acquired from the Mysterious Hill Home, it’s time to head back to Lemoyne. Players are going to want to enter the abandoned battlegrounds of Bolger Blade in Scarlett Meadows, East of Braithwaite Manor, and West of Shady Belle. At Bolger Blade, head out of the trenches and look to the raised and slumped dead tree, where the treasure lurks within.


Red Dead Redemption 2: Hardest Challenges to Complete, Ranked

With 9 Challenge Sets and 90 Challenges facing players in Red Dead Redemption 2, there are more than a handful that will cause them some grief.

Explorer Challenge #8 – Find a Treasure (Landmark of Riches #4)

  • Loot: x6 Gold Bars
  • Reward: 100 Stamina XP, $15

The final part of the Landmark of Riches Maps will have pleasures head to winter pleasantries, so be sure to wear warm clothes. With the Landmark of Riches Map 4, climb Mount Shann in Big Valley, West Elizabeth, and on top of the mountain (just under the ‘S’ in ‘West’) players can find an old sundial, where under the seventh-hour hand, the treasure can be found. This provides players with the 8th Explorer Challenge complete, and 6 Gold Bars to sell.

Explorer Challenge #9 – Find a Treasure (Poisonous Trail #1)

  • Loot: $10, The Poisonous Trail Map 2
  • Reward: 150 Stamina XP, $20

It’s time to complete the penultimate Explorer Challenge which requires a new Treasure Map. To find the Poisonous Trail Map, head to Cairn Lake in Ambarino, East of Colter, and enter the abandoned Cairn Lodge. From here, pull a lockbox out from under the bed in the cabin and obtain the Treasure Map. To find the treasure itself, head to Face Rock which is located North of Rhodes in Scarlett Meadows, Lemoyne – inside a dead upright tree that is beside a rock and two toppled trees.

Explorer Challenge #10 – Find a Treasure (Poisonous Trail #2)

  • Loot: Spring Bracelet, The Poisonous Trail map 3
  • Reward: Explorer Off-Hand Holster

The final Explorer Challenge in Red Dead Redemption 2 can be solved if players have the previous Poisonous Trail map acquired, then it’s time to head South of Van Horn Trading Post in New Hanover. This will take players to a mound made of rocks and hedges, where the treasure is within a center hole of this rock mound – found easily by traveling between Fort Brennand and the Van Horn Mansion.

With all Explorer Challenges now complete, players can head to the Trapper in Saint Denis and purchase the Explorer Equipment Set, which will provide a free bonus level to increase their Stamina Attribute.

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October 26, 2018

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