Fields of Mistria: Shadow size of every Fish and weather condition requirements

Fields of Mistria: Shadow size of every Fish and weather condition requirements

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Shadows everywhere, but which is the right one?

There are a lot of fish to catch in Fields of Mistria, both in the overworld and in the Mines, and this can make things very difficult if you’re looking for a certain fish to complete a Museum collection or to complete a Request Board quest. 

Thankfully, fish not only spawn in certain locations at certain times, but they all have specific shadow sizes, which can help to narrow down your search and avoid wasting stamina unnecessarily. For a select few fish, you’ll also need to be aware of the weather conditions in which they spawn. 

I know, it’s a lot to figure out, but let’s break this down by season and location to make it easier. 

Different sized fish shadows in Fields of Mistria

A visual guide to the different sized shadows for fish in Fields of Mistria
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To begin with, all fish will just look like dots of darkness in the water around you. However, once you start to fish more and figure out where each fish is found, you’ll begin to notice that there is a difference in the size of shadows. 

Above, I’ve included a visual guide to help you better understand what I mean when I describe a fishes shadow size.

All shadow sizes and weather conditions for overworld fish in Fields of Mistria

Fish can be found all over Mistria under certain conditions
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Fish that spawn during all seasons

Fish that can be found during more than one season don’t have any specific weather conditions and don’t qualify for donation to the Museum.

Fish Location Shadow size
Catfish Pond Medium
Koi Pond Medium
Roach Pond Medium
Tetra Pond Small
Turtle Pond Large
Goby River Large
Pike River Large
Smallmouth Bass River Small
Trout River Medium
Sardine Ocean Small
Tuna Ocean Large
Pollock Ocean Large
Squid Ocean Medium

Fish which spawn during Spring and Fall

Fish Location Shadow size
Frog Pond Small
Snakehead Pond Large
Rock Bass River Medium
Sturgeon River Large
Salmon River Large

Fish which spawn during Summer and Winter

One fish (or Frog, I should say) is an outlier here and does have specific weather during which it will spawn. 

Fish Location Shadow size Weather
Bullfrog Pond Small Rain or Snow
Snapping Turtle Pond Large Any
Chum River Large Any
Gar River Large Any
Pufferfish Ocean Medium Any
Bonito Ocean Medium Any
Cod Ocean Large Any
Octopus Ocean Large Any

Fish that spawn during Spring

Fish that can only be found during specific seasons sometimes have specific weather conditions during which they will spawn. Only two fish in Spring have weather conditions, but it’s worth noting which ones if you’re trying to fill out the Almanac.

Fish Location Shadow size Weather
Angel Fish Pond Small Any
Barb Pond Small Any
Crucian Carp Pond Medium Any
Brown Trout Pond Large Any
Goldfish Pond Small Any
Blue Gill River Small Any
Chub River Small Any
Carp River Medium Any
Walleye River Large Rain
Paddlefish River Giant Any
Anchovy Ocean Small Any
Shrimp Ocean Small Any
Lobster Ocean Medium any
Mackerel Ocean Large Rain
Ocean Sunfish Ocean Giant Any

Fish that spawn during Summer

Unlike other seasons, there are no Summer fish which have any specific weather conditions. You’ll be able to find all of these, regardless of the weather, on any day of the season.

Fish Location Shadow size
Golden Shiner Pond Small
Lake Chub Pond Small
Brown Bullhead Pond Medium
Sauger Pond Large
Giant Koi Pond Giant
Loach River Small
Minnow River Small
Sweetfish River Medium
Bream River Large
Tarpon River Giant
Crab Ocean Small
Dart Ocean Small
Stingray Ocean Medium
Char Ocean Large
Grouper Ocean Giant

Fish that spawn during Fall

There’s a stark increase in the number of fish that have specific weather conditions during Fall. There are two River fish, one Pond fish, and one Ocean fish which can only be caught on rainy days. 

Fish Location Shadow size Weather
Killifish Pond Small Any
Rainbow Trout Pond Medium Any
White Perch Pond Medium Any
Bluefish Pond Large Rain
Striped Bass Pond Large Any
Grayling River Small Rain
Lamprey River Small Any
Razorback River Medium Any
Shad River Medium Any
Perch River Large Medium
Butterfish Ocean Small Any
Mullet Ocean Medium Any
Halibut Ocean Large Rain
Saury Ocean Large Any
Shark Ocean Giant Any

Fish that spawn during Winter

There are a total of three Winter fish which have specific weather conditions during which they will spawn, one per location, so you’ll still need to go fishing even if the snow is falling around you. Just take a warm sweater and some Tea. 

Fish Location Shadow size Weather
Tilapia Pond Small Any
Flathead Catfish Pond Medium Any
Burbot Pond Large Snow
Alligator Gar Pond Giant Any
Giant Tilapia Pond Giant Any
Dace River Small Snow
Herring River Small Any
Freshwater Eel River Medium Any
Shadow Bass River Medium Any
Bowfish River Large Any
Horse Mackerel Ocean Small Any
Sand Lance Ocean Small Any
Sea Bass Ocean Medium Any
King Crab Ocean Large Snow
Oarfish Ocean Giant Any

All shadow sizes for fish found in the Mines in Fields of Mistria

Fish can be found in all water inside the Mines in Fields of Mistria
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Fish in the Mines pay no attention to which season it is or what the weather is doing on the surface, so you can catch them at any time. You should still definitely pay attention to their shadow sizes though, because the last place you want to be when you run out of stamina is down in the mines, surrounded by monsters. 

Upper Mines fish

Fish Shadow size
Rock Guppy Small
Cave Shrimp Small
Stone Loach Medium
Cave Eel Medium
Cave Shark Large

Tide Caverns fish

Fish Shadow size
Archerfish Small
Sapphire Betta Small
Transparent Jellyfish Medium
Water Balloon Fish Medium
Mini-Whale Shark Large

Deep Earth fish

Fish Shadow size
Pebble Minnow Small
Shardfin Small
Earth Eel Medium
Rockbiter Medium
Emerald Horned Charger Large

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