It has been circling the community for a while, and people have been asking again and again how to do it. Here’s how to climb the platform in the center of Albion in The Frist Descendant.
The majority of news and discussion about TFD are centered on new content, balancing and rebalancing, and the ever-popular skins. Sharing builds and ideas on how to be as efficient as possible is something you’d expect for a looter-shooter game. But, every once in a while, a silly new trend emerges, and this time, that trend is to climb the central platform in Albion, the one where Seneca is. You can see tons of posts and images of players standing on the top, showing off, and others asking them, “How?” It is easier than you’d think, but just in case, we have compiled a simple “how-to”.
The First Descendant – How to Climb the Platform in the Center of Albion
So, to get to the top of the central platform and claim those bragging rights, follow these simple instructions.
First, approach the Void Vessel terminal.

Now, jump on the glowing cylinder-shaped object right next to the terminal.

Now come the tricky segments. From that pipe, jump up and slightly to the left to come right next to two grey pipes.

When you manage to do so, jump again to land on the topmost pipe. This may take several tries, as you may simply bounce off those pipes and fall.

When you manage to do so, the rest is easy. Simply jump towards the top of the platform (you can only freely walk when you reach the arch at the end)…

…and voila, you’ve done it!

Now you can take all those screenshots and selfies to your heart’s content (especially when the Photo Mode drops). We just hope that Nexon will not “fix” this and make the climb impossible with the new update.