Another One Bites the Dust! Helldivers 2 Players Are Decoding a Secret Message as They Mourn the Fall of Moradesh

Another One Bites the Dust! Helldivers 2 Players Are Decoding a Secret Message as They Mourn the Fall of Moradesh

Moradesh is no more. In the morning hours of March 14, the player received an alert of imminent destruction of this planet. Some Helldivers 2 players noticed a possible secret message in this transmission, but, alas, it was already way too late for Moradesh. The planet was destroyed, even though players swore that would never happen again.

Helldivers 2 Players Failing the MO Caused Moradesh to Fall

Helldivers failed the latest Major Order. Truth be told, it was a tall order, and the circumstances weren’t perfect. As the players slowly realized the MO was doomed, the tensions in the community grew.

Of course, this loss was followed by a briefing of everything that happened. It explained that there wasn’t enough scrap metal, so the barrier was porous. The briefing noted: “Scrap metal deficiencies have left large holes in the blockade’s coverage. An impermeable barrier remains out of reach without significantly more resources or advancement in Illuminate ship detection. As our citizens prepare to mourn the loss of Moradesh, they now have hope. The rest of the planets in the Singularity’s path may still be saved”.

The MO failed in Helldivers 2.
Image via N4G Unlocked

Hours later, thousands of players witnessed the explosion of Moradesh. As with Angel’s Venture, it was probably the Singularity’s gravity pull that destroyed the planet. Hopefully, the players will find a way to stop the Meridian Singularity before it reaches the next planet – Ivis.

Moradesh is now a fractured planet in Helldivers 2.Moradesh is now a fractured planet in Helldivers 2.
Image via N4G Unlocked

Helldivers Discovered a Possible Secret Message in an Alert

Now, as we mentioned, just before the fall of Moradesh, Helldivers 2 players received an alert of imminent destruction, and some players figured out there was a message within. Some Helldivers isolated the sound and recognized it was in Morse code.

The community came up with an interesting interpretation. One player, filzball, explained: “—– -…. . ..-. -… -.-. 06efbc and …. . .. . … . . heiesee. Those should be the correct codes. First one seems to be a hex code for the color teal. Second one, absolutely no clue. Anagram didn’t yield anything usable”.

Some players created a spectrogram, and, well, it’s lovely. It depicts the horizon of a planet. Some players suggested that it was an image of the Illuminate’s home planet. However, this message came from the High Command, so that wouldn’t really make sense, in our opinion.

Spectrogram of the Moradesh video in Helldivers 2.Spectrogram of the Moradesh video in Helldivers 2.
Image by Outrageous_Part6952 via Reddit

No-one can be sure if this was all just on accident or if the developers left us a (teal) easter egg, except for the devs, of course. The only thing that we do know for sure is that the Illuminate are becoming more of a threat with each passing day.

At the time of writing this article, the High Command still hasn’t issued a new Major Order, so you can spread Managed Democracy wherever you want. We’ll be on the bot front, we hear the players might be going for Cyberstan. Feel free to join us. For Liberty and Super Earth.

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