“No Right to Bear Arms!” Silent Hill f Practically Confirmed to Be Melee-Only

“No Right to Bear Arms!” Silent Hill f Practically Confirmed to Be Melee-Only

We saw the trailer for Silent Hill f and how awesome it looks. And it came to our attention that it seems that Silent Hill f will not have firearms, as it is practically confirmed that it will be melee-only. Let’s see what that means.

The next Silent Hill game is Silent Hill f. It stands out from the rest by not being set in the town of Silent Hill, rather, it is set in rural Japan in the sixties. The recent announcement and trailer confirmed it, and have shown us that the protagonist is a teenage girl, Hinako Shimizu. The previous titles predominantly had adults as the protagonists who have some (seemingly) basic knowledge of using firearms. Will that also be the case with Hinako? As guns are not readily available in 20th-century Japan, everything points towards firearms being absent from Silent Hill f, and the recent ESRB rating sheds some further light on the subject. 

It Looks Like Silent Hill f Will Be Melee-Only

The upcoming Silent Hill f has already got its ESRB rating. Naturally, it has the Mature 17+ rating, with tags being Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, and Partial Nudity. But, the Rating Summary had some interesting bits to reveal. Don’t worry, well keep it spoiler-free.

“This is a survival-horror action game in which players assume the role of a student confronting supernatural entities in a 1960s Japanese mountain town. From a third-person perspective, players explore the town, solve puzzles, interact with characters, and battle enemy creatures (e.g., humanoid monsters, mutants, mythical creatures). Players use [a variety of melee weapons] to defend against and kill enemy creatures in melee-style combat.”

The summary goes on, but it goes a bit into spoiler territory. Anyway, there is absolutely no mention of any type of firearm (or any ranged weapon, for that matter). ESRB ratings usually mention those type of weapons if they are present, so the fact that they are absent from the summary and the only mention of combat is “melee-style combat” leads to a conclusion that Silent Hill f will be melee-only.

It is important to note that this is not a 100% guarantee as the devs haven’t explicitly stated that firearms are absent from the game. But, it is safe to assume that the Silent Hill f will be melee-only, based on the info we currently have.

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