“Always Save the Box and the Receipt” Steam Deck User Shares a Cautionary Tale of How Their Device Was Labeled as Stolen

“Always Save the Box and the Receipt” Steam Deck User Shares a Cautionary Tale of How Their Device Was Labeled as Stolen

You never know if or when you’ll have to prove that something is actually yours. So, if the time comes, it’s always best to have some solid proof. One devoted Steam Deck user found themself in quite a messy situation once their device was labeled as stolen, so, always remember to save the receipt and the box. Thankfully, this user did so, but their story is still quite something.

Save the Box in Case Your Steam Deck Is Reported Stolen

One Redditor, Pink-Gold-Peach, shared their incredible story with the community. This user has enjoyed their device for almost three years. However, recently, they encountered a problem with the device and they decided to contact the always-helpful Steam Support, even though the device was well out of warranty.

Well, this didn’t go as the OP hoped it would. Instead of receiving some guidance on how/where they could fix the device, this user was told that the original owner of the device reported the device in question as stolen.

To clear things up, the OP bought the device from Steam directly. They noted: “The issue is… Steam is the seller. I didn’t get my Deck second hand, I bought it directly from Steam back when they were originally released (had to wait in that old reservation list and everything!) and it hasn’t left my possession since”.

The OP tried to explain that to Steam Support, but they only confirmed that the serial number of the OP’s device matched the one that was reported stolen. Thankfully, the OP remembered they saved the box from their Steam Deck, which ultimately proved that their device wasn’t stolen.

The OP stated: “I dug out my old box and found that it actually has TWO delivery labels on it. One for me, and another for some other person in a different part of the country. That person probably never received their (my) Steam Deck, and so reported it to Valve as lost”.

Thankfully, Steam Support accepted this as proof. They assured the OP that they made a note that the Steam Deck wasn’t stolen after all. Furthermore, Steam Support offered to repair the OP’s device. But, since it was out of warranty, the OP would have to cover the cost.

Steam Deck user enjoying their device on a break in the pool.
Image via Valve

PSA: Always Keep Your Receipts

This is something that is or should be common knowledge. If you don’t have enough space in your home to keep all the various boxes (understandably), take photos of shipping info, and save them somewhere you’ll be able to find them easily.

One user, Salt_Nature7392, noted: “Proof of payment and if absolutely necessary pictures of the box…more specifically the shipping label (that you said you still had). It should be a slam dunk on that support ticket in your favor”.

Of course, Steam Support once again came through, and that’s always great to see. However, not every company will do so, so remember to keep the proof of payment. Hopefully, you won’t need it, but better safe than sorry, right? Enjoy your device and everything it can do.

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