Ancient Arrowhead treasure map location and solution in Avowed

Ancient Arrowhead treasure map location and solution in Avowed

The Ancient Arrowhead treasure map is Avowed’s welcome to the Galawin’s Tusks region — a map protected by a beetle army and a gigantic, tier-five monster, culminating in a reward perched on a cliff with a drop that leads to certain doom. Yay…

You can get in and out quickly, without much bother, though having some movement speed-boosting food on hand would be a good idea as well. Your reward for all this hassle is a trinket with one of the biggest stat boosts in the game. Just make sure you have three lockpicks handy.

This Avowed guide shows where to find the Ancient Arrowhead treasure map, how to get it safely, and where to look for the reward.

Where to find Ancient Arrowhead treasure map

The Ancient Arrowhead map is on a skeleton in a cave hidden at the southern end of the Writhing Ruins. The ruin complex is full of deadly beetles, but there’s a quick way to find the cave. Move northwest from the Sallow Steppe party camp, and face the ruins. You’ll see a board placed over a ledge to your right. Climb that, follow the path, and burn the vines at the end to enter the cave where the map is.

And don’t linger inside. The subject of the Mater Mare bounty — a powerful, tier-five enemy — calls this cave home and isn’t happy to receive guests at this time.

Ancient Arrowhead location solution

This map seems rather vague at first glance, since it assumes you know the region’s layout already. What you’re looking at is Solace Keep from the south, which narrows the location to the mountain range south of Solace Keep. That’s still a pretty big area, though, especially with no indications of where an abandoned beetle nest might be.

The spot you’re looking for is southeast of the Salt Flat Farms label on your map, directly east from an old house on the road through the region. You’ll know you’re in the right place when you see thorns along the edge of the road.

Hope over the thorns, and follow the narrow cliff edge around until you find a treasure chest. Use three lockpicks to open it, and you’ll get Scout’s Reach.

Scout’s Reach is a trinket — an earring, specifically, with just one attribute.

Scout’s Reach item bonus

That might not sound like much by itself, but Perception is an important stat even outside of dialogue. It increases your critical hit chance and extends your range for all ranged attacks, so getting this hefty boost without having to spend attribute points is a handy bonus.

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