Avowed: Best Fighter Build

Avowed: Best Fighter Build

Ready to dash out some serious punishment? Then you want to consider the Fighter class in Avowed. But if you want to ensure that you do not waste skill points on abilities that you don’t need, you must make sure that you have the best build.

Here’s our guide to creating the best Fighter build in Avowed.

Best Attributes for a Fighter

At the start of the game, you get 10 points to distribute on your attributes, with three points being the maximum. An ideal Fighter needs to invest right from the get-go into both Constitution and Might. Those two attributes will help you withstand a good amount of punishment, and offer higher than average HP.

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Might also allows you to carry more items and dish out more damage. After you invest a few points in them, leave some points for both Resolve and Dexterity. The first is great to keep up your Stamina, so along with dealing damage you can keep attacking without having to pause every few seconds. Finally, with high Dexterity, you can be sure that you are agile enough and not just a useless tank.

Best skills for the Fighter build

When you’re just starting out, make sure you acquire useful skills for your Fighter. First off, we recommend Constant Recovery as that will help you live longer by recovering 50% of your health. Toughness will also give you a much-needed boost to your health points, so get on that as soon as possible. Charge is also a good skill to invest just one point into. This skill will allow you to dash toward enemies and give you time to land a few extra hits.

Also, even if you’re not planning to make a hybrid of Fighter with other classes, don’t be afraid to pick skills outside of the Fighter class. Experimenting is key to building up a balanced character in Avowed, so don’t get too comfortable in your niche.

Here is a breakdown of all the Fighter’ skills.

Skill description Level required Tips
Charge 1 Low priority (can invest one point)
Constant Recovery 1 High priority
Toughness 1 High priority
Armored Grace 1 Useful if you plan to wear medium/heavy armor soon
Shield Bash 1 Low priority
Iron Fists 5 Low priority
Barbaric Shout 5 Low priority
Bleeding Cuts 5 High priority
Brawn 5 Low priority
Devastating Criticals 5 High priority
Power Jump 10 Low priority
Stunning Blows 10 Low priority (unless you are wielding two-handed weapons)
Unbreakable 10 Low priority
Built To Destroy 10 High priority
Into The Fray 15 Low priority
Reflect 15 Low priority
Retribution 15 High priority
Inspiring Triumph 20 Low priority
Clear Out 20 High priority

If you want your Fighter to be a classic sword and shield kind, then investing in skills such as Shield Bash and Unbreakable is definitely required. The first will give you a new attack while you are defending, while the second skill will decrease the amount of Stamina used while protecting yourself.

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Built to Destroy, on the other hand, is an all-around useful skill, giving you back some health whenever you destroy things, along with empowering your melee attacks to destroy entire walls. Pretty impressive.

As for the final skills, Inspiring Triumph might be useful if you rely on your companions a lot, but we know Fighters like to dive headfirst into combat, so we recommend instead prioritizing Clear Out and its whirlwind special attack that will get rid of most enemies.

Best skills for a battle mage (fighter wizard)

If you want to build up your Fighter to be also able to use magic, then invest some points into Intellect early on. Then, grabbing the Magic Missile skill right at the start will also make sure that you have one spell to use right from the beginning.

First ability in Avowed
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Here are some other skills if you want to build a Fighter Wizard:

  • Magic Missile (Level 1)
  • Wand Mastery (Level 5)
  • Blast / Bounce (Level 10)

Clearly, if you decide to go for a Fighter, you must accept the limitations of the class and the fact that they will never be as skilled in magic as a pure Wizard. So, by keeping your overall magic use as an alternate weapon, investing in single spells, such as Blizzard or Fireball, is not recommended as your Fighter will never have enough magic points for that.

Instead, choose some of the more generic magic skill attacks, such as Wand Mastery. That is if you are planning to use a wand along with your other classic melee weapons. The combo of Blast and Bounce could also be useful, but overall there are not a lot of skills that we would recommend investing in if you want to become a battle mage.

Best skills for a Fighter ranger

Want your Fighter to be quick on their feet and good at using a bow or a gun? Great, but let’s start by ignoring Tangleroot right at the start, and instead go for both Survivalist, which boosts health-restoring powers; and Parry, which will help even if you aren’t planning to use a ranged weapon. Survivalist is not worth investing any more than a single point in, but if you enjoy getting up close and personal with enemies, Parry is worth raising to two or even three points.

Here are some useful Ranger skills for your fighter:

  • Parry (Level 1)
  • Survivalist (Level 1)
  • Arrow Deflection (Level 10)
  • Critical Strike (Level 15)
  • Flurry of Blows (Level 20)

Overall, invest a few points in Parry when you have the chance, but, unless you are planning to use a bow or a gun, then you can leave most of the Ranger skills alone until Level 10. For example, Marksmanship is a good one if you want to use a bow or a gun.

Shooting an enemy in Avowed
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Once you reach level 10, you can add Arrow Deflection to Parry, making for some great defense for your Fighter. Finally, you can increase the damage of your critical strikes once you reach level 15, which is great for your Fighter. Bear Ally is fun, but probably better left alone unless you want to try it out.

Finally, for the final two skills at level 20, we would recommend mostly Flurry of Blows which works great, especially if your Fighter is quite tanky. Staggering Shot is, again, recommended only if you built up your fighter to switch on the fly to bows and guns.

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