Best Monster Hunter Games, Ranked

Best Monster Hunter Games, Ranked

Many might not know this, but the Monster Hunter series by Capcom has been going on strong for more than 20 years. What are its best games and how do they stack up today, are you missing out on any hidden gems?

Here’s how we rank them.

Which are the best Monster Hunter games?

10 – Monster Hunter (2004)

Image via MobyGames

As much as we’d like to define the true beginning of the series as a hidden gem or a game you’d want to rediscover, this is not the case. Debuting on PlayStation 2 in September of 2004, the original Monster Hunter was clearly influenced by the early success of online games such as Phantasy Star Online, but, unfortunately, it wasn’t the case for Capcom.

Most gamers weren’t playing online on PlayStation 2, so that feature went mostly unutilized by gamers who, instead, ventured into the game alone. And that would be absolutely fine, if the game hadn’t been built with co-op in mind, making some of the most interesting creatures basically impossible to catch alone.

Add to that a difficult-to-love control scheme and camera problems, and you have a game that hasn’t aged well at all. Still, it is not a bad game by any means, and fans of the series can definitely go ahead and check it out to see how the series has evolved over time.

9 – Monster Hunter Freedom (2006)

Going against a huge insect monster
Image via Capcom

Perhaps it’s my undying love for the PSP, but this first iteration on Sony’s handheld console has aged a little bit more gracefully than the original game. At least, it is still entirely possible to bring Monster Hunter Freedom to your group of PSP-owning friends and play a hunt together. Well, I said possible, not probable.

Except for local multiplayer capabilities, you can consider this to be a slightly superior port of the original Monster Hunter on PS2. With some difficulty adjustments here and there, plus slightly better controls that are well-suited to the PSP. Overall, this is a great way to also check out the originals and get into some of the very frustrating battles that await you.

Freedom 2 is the same thing, as it is a direct sequel to the original with more content, so consider it included here. While both games are far from perfect, they are a great way to experience classic Monster Hunter hunts on the go and will please fans of the series looking for more.

8 – Monster Hunter Freedom Unite (2009)

Speaking with a hunter
Image via App Store

Despite how well the two Freedom titles played, Unite is when the idea of a portable Monster Hunter game managed to shine the brightest. It was originally a port of the PS2 game, which never really left Japan. So for most players, the PSP version was the only way to check out this title.

For the first time in the series, you were introduced to new ways to succeed without recruiting your friends. Who can forget about the little Palicos, who accompanied us on so many great (and other not-so-great) hunts?

Sure, it’s difficult to call Freedom Unite a complete success, since it never resonated with players in the West, at least not as it did in Japan. But if you are looking for the definitive title to play on your PSP, while not losing much from its home console counterparts, Freedom Unite will satisfy (and frustrate) you.

7 – Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (2013)

A colorful character
Image via Gamestop

Putting this a little low in our ranking since this was still very much connected to Monster Hunter Tri, the moment when the series debuted on Nintendo home consoles. Unfortunately, the original version on the Nintendo Wii suffered a few problems, the first of which was being a hard sell on a console that was dedicated to fans of casual gaming.

Tri is probably one of the least accessible entries in the series. Still, the overall idea of having a whole coastal area to explore was perfectly realized, with underwater hunts also making their debut. A debut that, well, not many people went crazy for, as they were even more difficult than the overland hunts.

Regardless of the original edition, we recommend checking out the Monster Hunter 3 Expanded Edition, released on Wii U and 3DS a few years later. With better controls, more monsters to hunt (even more difficult than the original), plus the portable capability and offering transferrable saves from the home console to the portable edition, this was the moment when the series was about to switch gears.

6 – Monster Hunter Generations (2015)

Image via Capcom

Speaking of entries on the Nintendo 3DS, Generations was definitely a great step in the right direction for Capcom. While still not the most accessible entry of the series, it introduced many new ideas we can still appreciate today, such as the Prowler mode, allowing you to control your Felyne friend.

Naturally, if you are planning to check out Generations, the best version is the Ultimate Edition on Nintendo Switch. Despite its age, it makes a great starting point to check out the series, with easier-to-pick-up and play controls.

While the timing of its release could have been better, with World coming out right on its heels, there is still much to like. For example, who isn’t a fan of the new Hunter Arts? Those were a great way to add some variety to the weapons while still looking mighty cool as well.

5 – Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin (2021)

A dragon-like monster coming out of an egg
Image via Capcom

If you are looking for a title in the series that really does not feel (or play) like the classic Monster Hunter games, but want to entice someone to get into the series, Stories 2 will be the one. This is when the series finally jumped from the 3DS to the Nintendo Switch.

As much as it might be obvious, the gameplay in the Stories series definitely veers more into the Pokémon flavor rather than the classic hard-as-nails gameplay the Capcom series has been known for. This sequel introduced some new mechanics as well, such as being able to take other characters along on your hunts.

I’m also a big fan of the anime-style graphics, which do not simply veer off into the “cute” look but retain their unique look. The gameplay is also interesting in how it mixes casual button mashing with a different system. We recommend checking out the title on PC, though, as it runs much better than its inferior Switch version.

4 – Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate

Using a big sword against a monster
Image via Capcom

This time, we skipped the base game and we got Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate directly. And we are definitely not complaining, since this 3DS game was one of the best experiences in the series yet. This time, we leave the underwater hunts behind us for good and head to the skies.

Indeed, the new hunts are all about getting up high and using unique new weapons made exactly for this. In a sort of Shadow of the Colossus fashion, you can ride some of the monsters while they fly around.

Of course, you still had to deal with the limitations of the 3DS, both for the graphics and the overall limited controls (remember that single nub?). But if you are not bothered by going back to a smaller screen than what we’re used to today, Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate is one of the best experiences in the series that we wouldn’t mind seeing a reimagining of.

3 – Monster Hunter World

Big bird being attacked
Image via Capcom

Sometimes your favorite games transition from niche to big franchises, and it’s not always a good thing. It happened with Yakuza/Like a Dragon, and also with Monster Hunter, thanks to World. It is hard to argue that it remains one of the biggest games of this console generation and also one of the best-selling Capcom games from recent years.

The game also features seamless open environments rather than the sectioned-off maps riddled with loading screens like in every prior game in the series. World’s maps are also far more detailed, brimming with endemic life and interactive elements like vines to swing on or boulders to drop on a monster’s head.

The new gameplay in World changes the overall aspect of hunts a bit. They are no longer about simply wandering around and hoping to spot a distant beast. In this title, you can test your tracking skills and look out for signs of monster activity. This makes you a serious hunter indeed, and it only took… well, almost twenty years!

Jokes aside, everything in the gameplay is now finely honed and less of a slog than before, making World a great starting point for everyone. It was a little lacking in terms of the number of monsters you could hunt, but our next entry fixed that.

2 – Monster Hunter World: Iceborne

We are separating this DLC from Monster Hunter World for obvious reasons (the price, for starters…) since this is when we believe that World really came together at its strongest. While graphically the series lagged a bit behind in the past, for obvious handheld-related reasons, Iceborne looks absolutely stunning.

Iceborne also adds some new interesting mechanics, along with doubling the monster roster. It also doubled the story story content, adding a meaty endgame. Did I mention the much-needed addition of G-rank monsters? I believe this is the intended way to play World.

Despite the high praise, we are a bit unsure about crowning World as the king of the series because it feels like something was missing from its overall presentation and gameplay. The series has always been about fantasy and a bit of anime, and World instead chooses a full-on ultra-realistic vibe which feels, sometimes, a bit out of place.

Still, it’s hard to deny how Iceborne feels like an entirely new game on top of the previous one. This is not simply a DLC, like Sunbreak is for Rise. The asking price is entirely justified. Still, if you are not crazy about this ultra-realistic turn the series has taken, how about taking a look at our final choice?

1 – Monster Hunter Rise

Image via Capcom

Sure, we hear you. Many fans are not happy about Rise‘s foray into a more straightforward, almost-arcade style of gameplay. But it was Capcom’s answer to what were concrete complaints by many gamers and reviewers of how much time it took, in most entries in the series, to get to the good stuff.

Rise seems to get everything right that worked in previous entries of the series, trimming the fat and leaving only monster-hunting goodness. Not to mention the Palamutes and all the other new creatures we can ride, adding variety to the gameplay.

Also, we are big fans of Rampage mode, which sure doesn’t gel very much with the rest of the gameplay (or heck, even the vibe of the series), but we love the idea of having to defend the town from monster attacks, like you’re in Heroes of Might & Magic rather than Monster Hunter.

The final expansion, Sunbreak, also basically doubles the original content of the base game, while adding two big maps to hunt in. Not all gamers were crazy about this final DLC, but it is hard to argue how much content it adds to what was already quite a large game.

We are definitely fans of the way that Capcom reimagined the hard-as-nails gameplay for a different audience in Rise, making the series head in an interesting way. It felt less realistic, but definitely more engaging.

It is a matter of preference whether you prefer to waste hours in the world of Rise or in World. It is hard to argue that both are fantastic games and the best entries into a series that we can’t wait to see where it is headed with Wilds.

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