Black Ops 6 Zombies: All Liberty Falls Perk-a-Cola Locations

Black Ops 6 Zombies: All Liberty Falls Perk-a-Cola Locations

Perk-a-Colas are the iconic and sometimes not-so-tasty bonuses that players can expect to acquire in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Zombies. The mode is famed for its Perk-a-Colas, and Liberty Falls is no exception to the rule, allowing players to drink every perk with no limit, allowing them to devour a total of 8 perks for their set-up. Yet, where is every perk in Liberty Falls? After all, Black Ops 6 Zombies players will want to ensure the best set-up possible to survive high rounds.


Black Ops 6: All Weapon Wall-Buys in Liberty Falls

Liberty Falls has plenty of wall-buys for those Black Ops 6 players who are grinding camos, weapon XP, or just need a fresh gun to kill zombies.

Every Perk location in Liberty Falls can be found below, providing players with the information they need to better navigate through the small West Virginia town that has been overrun by a zombie outbreak. As usual with COD Zombies, there are a few essentials among every Perk-a-Cola, beginning with everyone’s favorite: Jugger-Nog.

Updated on February 10, 2025, by Jake Fillery: If players want to have a better chance at surviving the zombie outbreak of Liberty Falls, then they are going to need to know where every Perk-a-Cola can be found, and what they all do so that they know just what to spend their Essence on to reach the high rounds. All 10 Perks in Black Ops 6 Zombies feature in Liberty Falls, and here’s how to get them all.

Perk-a-Colas will go up in price by intervals of 500, meaning the first Perk-a-Cola players purchase will be 2,500 Essence, the next 3,000, until the final tenth Perk, which will cost 7,500, meaning to buy all Perks it will take 47,500 Essence.

Jugger-Nog Location in Liberty Falls

Grants a Total of 250 HP

juggernog in liberty falls

  • Perk Description: Increase maximum health

Jugger-Nog can be found within the Savings & Loan Bank along the far-right corridor at the North wall, just before leaving for Washington Avenue. The Bank itself can be accessed from West Main Street, and the Perk-a-Cola itself is an absolute must-have due to the fact it near-doubles the player’s health.

Quick Revive Location in Liberty Falls

Regenerate Health Faster and Revive Teammates Quicker

quick revive in liberty falls

  • Perk Description: Recover health and revive allies faster.

Quick Revive can be found in Olly’s Comics, a store that is found on the right of the map when venturing through Riverside. Quick Revive is located in the opposite corner of Aetherella at the South East wall. Quick Revive is a must-have for solo and co-op players due to its faster health regeneration.

Speed Cola Location in Liberty Falls

Reload Weapons Quicker and Refill Armor Faster

speed cola in liberty falls

  • Perk Description: Reload weapons and replate armor faster.

Speed Cola is located on the South West wall of Washington Avenue, pressed against the wall of a building opposite the Savings & Loans bank. Speed Cola is perfect for those who want to reload their weapons quicker, and for those who need to equip armor faster.

Stamin-Up Location in Liberty Falls

Sprint Faster and Longer

stamin-up in liberty falls

  • Perk Description: Increase movement speed.

Stamin-Up is located along the wall of arcade machines in Fuller’s Liberty Lanes, the bowling alley that is found to the left of the map from the Motel and the Pump & Pay. Stamin-Up is essential for late-game runs in Zombies due to how players can run faster and longer, allowing them to navigate the large map and avoid getting bitten and swiped at by zombies.

PhD Flopper Location in Liberty Falls

Immune to Self-Explosive Damage and Dive for Explosive Effects

phd flopper in liberty falls

  • Perk Description: Explosive dive to prone and immunity to self-inflicted explosive damage.

PhD Flopper is found in the North West corner of the Hilltop Stairs, which is accessed just after Fuller’s Liberty Lanes from West Main Street. For those who have an affinity for explosives, PhD Flopper is an absolute must.

Melee Macchiato Location in Liberty Falls

Deadly Melee Damage

melee macchiato in liberty falls

  • Perk Description: Replace weapon gun butt with a deadly punch.

Melee Macchiato can be found at the South West wall of the Church within the Forecourt area, just before the Dark Aether portal to Pack-a-Punch. It’s not an essential Perk by any means, but the boost to melee damage certainly makes using knives and baseball bats more fun.

Der Wunderfizz Location in Liberty Falls

Purchase Every Perk at One Machine, Including Deadshot Daiquiri, Vulture Aid, Elemental Pop, and Death Perception

der wunderfizz in liberty falls

Der Wunderfizz only spawns on Round 25, and can be located on the rooftop of the Savings & Loans Bank, which is accessed for 500 Essence through a zipline found at the front entrance to Savings & Loans, thus accessing “The Alamo”. With Der Wunderfizz, players have access to all Perk-a-Colas, but there are some Perk-a-Colas that are exclusive to Der Wunderfizz on Liberty Falls, including:

  • Deadshot Daiquiri (Improve ADS precision and increase critical damage)
  • Vulture Aid (Increase the variety of loot dropped by enemies)
  • Elemental Pop (Attacks can trigger random Ammo Mods)
  • Death Perception (Obscured enemies are keylined)
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