‘Dawntreader’ side quest walkthrough for Avowed

‘Dawntreader’ side quest walkthrough for Avowed

Dawntreader” is an Avowed side quest you can pick up in Paradis early in the game. At the end of it, you’ll have to choose what to do with the Splinter of Eothas and Sargamis, the godlike Oracle.

Our Avowed guide will give you a full “Dawntreader” walkthrough, including telling you where to find the Aedyran Expedition, what choice to make with the Oracle, and what choice to make with the Voice.

How to start ‘Dawntreader’ in Avowed

You’ll be able to pick up the “Dawntreader” side quest when you reach Paradis in Dawnshore. You’re looking for someone named Ofryc in the Southern Paradis Administration District. You’ll find him outside of the Aedyran Embassy.

Image: Obsidian Entertainment/Xbox Game Studios via Polygon

When you speak to him, he’ll tell you about the godlike named the Oracle. Keep talking to him and he’ll point you to his brother Caedmon and the Free Expedition Corps in a temple called Pilgrim’s Path a bit north of the city.

How to reach the Eothasian Temple

Avowed map showing where to find the Eothasian temple

Image: Obsidian Entertainment/Xbox Game Studios via Polygon

Your destination for the ‘Find the Aedyran Expedition Team’ objective is a ways to the north of Paradis in a region named the Northern Farms. If you’ve unlocked it, the Northern Farms Beacon is right next to Pilgrim’s Path.

Avowed Secgwin at the entrance to the Eothasian Temple

Image: Obsidian Entertainment/Xbox Game Studios via Polygon

Talk your past Secgwin, and you’ll head inside. Follow the path behind her, and you’ll come to the Eothasian Temple. Head inside.

Avowed entrance to the Eothasian Temple

Image: Obsidian Entertainment/Xbox Game Studios via Polygon

In the first room you come to, there are a pair of essence generators on the left side. Hit the inactive one on the right with shock damage — either from a spell or from an electric lily seed that you can find nearby.

Once the door opens, take out the skeletons, loot the room, and read the Book of Verses. Head back out and continue on your way to the left.

In the next room, take a left up the stairs, and then stick to the right wall. Head into then tunnel on your right and you’ll get a good look at the Oracle’s temple. Take another right and deal with the xaurips you run into.

Avowed Caedmon

Image: Obsidian Entertainment/Xbox Game Studios via Polygon

Keep heading toward the marker on your HUD, looting as you go. Eventually, you’ll find Caedmon and talk to him. He’ll give you more information about the Oracle and the temple, and then give you a new, optional objective.

Speak to Sargamis, the Oracle of Eothas

You’ll have to deal with a few xaurips on your way around to Sargamis, the Oracle. Cross the last wooden bridge, and you’ll find him waiting for you in a clearing in front of the strange statue.

Avowed Sargamis

Image: Obsidian Entertainment/Xbox Game Studios via Polygon

Speak to Sargamis for some answers and context. You’ll learn about the Splinter of Eothas relic housed here.

Where to find the Splinter of Eothas relic

Head through the main door behind Sargamis and keep following the marker on your HUD. You’ll reach a flooded tunnel in the first room. Swim through.

When you surface in the first room, follow the ramp up and around. You’ll come to a crack in the wall with an essence generator on the far side. Throw an electric lily seed through (or hit it with electric magic) to open the door below you. Drop down and swim through.

Underwater, you’ll find a chest to loot. Surface, and follow the ledges around to a destructible wall. (You can also backtrack and just swim the rest of the way through.)

In the next room, there are several books to read scattered around you. Check them all out, and then deal with the spiders to your right. Check for more books and then examine the Statue Schematic on the wall for some more context.

From the schematic, burn through the webs on your left to reveal a tunnel. It’ll lead you to a small group of dwellings. Deal with the beetles and the xaurip, and then loot everything.

Avowed path to the Aedyran Expedition

Image: Obsidian Entertainment/Xbox Game Studios via Polygon

Use the ramp and ruined staircase on the right wall to climb into the next hallway. Grab the Consecration Prayer as you pass.

Avowed Splinter of Eothas location

Image: Obsidian Entertainment/Xbox Game Studios via Polygon

Go through the main door. The Splinter of Eothas is ahead of you, but ignore it for now. Turn left to hit an essence generator.

Avowed secret passage next to the Splinter of Eothas

Image: Obsidian Entertainment/Xbox Game Studios via Polygon

Directly in front of the altar with the splinter, look on the ground to the right. Smash through the vases there to enter another room. Keep smashing vases as you work through the coffins. Grab the History of the Living Lands IV: [Redacted] as you pass.

When you reach the end, look down and right again. Smash through more vases as you continue. Take out the skeleton monk and loot the lockbox.

Turn right again and go into the hall. Loot the corpse on your way out, and then unbar the door to return to the main entrance.

Avowed essence generator

Image: Obsidian Entertainment/Xbox Game Studios via Polygon

This time, duck under the platform on the left side of the main entrance. Inside, look to the left to find a crack in the wall. Shoot the essence generator on the far side to open the door above you.

Head back out and through the door you just opened. Around to your left, open the sarcophagus for a bunch of goodies and resources.

Head back out and go through the main door to retrieve the relic.

When you head back to the main courtyard, you’ll have to put down a handful of skeletons and a boss named the Godless Executioner.

How to find the Aedyran Expedition

With the relic in hand, you could end the side quest here. But let’s get the other optional objectives out of the way.

When you head back the way you came, the temple will be partially flooded. Cross the tree root to the far side and jump the gap.

Avowed route to the Aedyran Expedtion

Image: Obsidian Entertainment/Xbox Game Studios via Polygon

Climb up the ledges on your right. At the top, duck through the low tunnel ahead of you and a little to the right. Follow the cave around and drop through the hole in the floor.

Avowed Aedyran Expedition location

Image: Obsidian Entertainment/Xbox Game Studios via Polygon

Walk around the curtain to find the missing expedition. Talk to Kai about what you found and try to piece together what happened.

Avowed Kai talking about the Aedyran Expedition

Image: Obsidian Entertainment/Xbox Game Studios via Polygon

There’s another book in the room, On the Binding of Souls, that’ll give a little more context. If you don’t care about what the Oracle has to say, you can just leave at this point and go Speak to Ofryc.

Should you attack or help Sargamis, the Oracle?

When you leave the curtained off area, use the switch on the wall to open the door. Head up and around on the ramps. Unbar the door at the top to return back to the Oracle’s courtyard.

When you speak with Sargamis, you’ll have several choices to make — you can say you don’t have the relic, you can attack him, or you can “help” him — but they all end almost entirely the same way.

Say you don’t have the relic

At any point before you tell Sargamis you have it, you can tell him you don’t have the relic. All this does is kick you out of the conversation. The Oracle will still be standing there waiting for you to talk to him. You can ignore him, if you want, and just leave to Speak to Ofryc and end the quest.

After you tell the Oracle you found the bodies of the Aedyran Expedition, you’ll have a dialogue option at the bottom of the list that picks a fight.

Avowed fight with Sargamis

Image: Obsidian Entertainment/Xbox Game Studios via Polygon

Sargamis isn’t too strong, but he summons some really annoying Fire Blight Minions to fight alongside him. Once he’s defeated, grab the Last Light of Day +2 from his corpse.

If you talk to him long enough and don’t choose to attack him, the Oracle will eventually ask for your help. He’ll have you put the relic in the statue and pull the lever at the workstation.

It won’t work, and Sargamis will decide he needs to add his soul to the statue. You’ll be asked to observe the Oracle’s death, press the button at the workstation, and then pull the lever at the workstation. Sadly for Sargamis, this won’t work either. His corpse will have his Last Light of Day +2 sword, though.

Should you give the Voice the statue?

Whichever way to deal with the Oracle — even if you ignore him — after Sargamis is dead, the Voice will ask to speak to you at the adra crystal on the west side of the courtyard. The Voice will explain that they could use the statue to do… something. Maybe. One day.

You can either go along with the Voice’s suggestion (giving it the statue) or not (destroying the statue).

Give the Voice the Statue

If you want to let it, follow its instructions to place the relic in the statue and purge the energies in it. That’s it, and there’s no immediate payoff.

From there, you can return to Ofryc to finish the side quest.

Avowed destroying the statue

Image: Obsidian Entertainment/Xbox Game Studios via Polygon

If you don’t want the Voice to have the Statue, you can choose to destroy it. The Voice won’t be happy about it, but it won’t interfere. Go around and destroy the three essence generators to overload the statue and destroy it.

The Voice will yell one more time, but then you’ll be able to head back to Ofryc.

How to finish ‘Dawntreader’

Over on the west side of the Oracle’s temple, you’ll find an elevator that will take you to Dawnshore. From there, you can make your way back to Paradis. Either the Paradis Main Gate Beacon or the Administration District Beacon will drop you close to Ofryc.

Avowed Ofryc and Caedmon

Image: Obsidian Entertainment/Xbox Game Studios via Polygon

You’ll find Ofryc and Caedmon waiting outside of the Aedyran Embassy. Talk to them to get the Delver’s Caution ring as a reward.

For more Avowed guides, see our full Avowed walkthroughs or our walkthroughs for the “Cabin Fever” and “Mapping the Living Lands: Dawnshore.”

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