Do We Really Need More Flying Bugs? A Fan-Made Concept for Flying Bile Titans Wins Over the Helldivers 2 Community

Do We Really Need More Flying Bugs? A Fan-Made Concept for Flying Bile Titans Wins Over the Helldivers 2 Community

Yup, you read that correctly! Some players just want to create as much chaos as possible. With the new Predator and Spore Burst strains of bugs, some players went a step further, or maybe 50 steps further. Recently, there’s been a lot of talk about flying Bile Titans in the Helldivers 2 community, and one extremely talented player drew concept art. It’s both terrifying and amazing.

A Helldiver Presents the Flying Bile Titans Concept Art

Imagine a sunny day on your planet of choice on the bug front. You are running around, squishing bugs left and right while you’re completing the Objectives. Suddenly, a huge shadow appears. Maybe you hear the “woosh” of the wings. Moments later you see a monstrous Bile Titan flying above you.

This blood-chilling scenario would somehow be even worse if the flying Bile Titans were designed by VEI0_ART. This Redditor managed to create one of the most grotesque, yet visually stunning designs we’ve seen in a while (the image below). The OP even put a Helldiver for reference, showing just how huge these creatures were in the OP’s imagination.

The fan-made design for flying Bile Titans in Helldivers 2.
Image by VEI0_ART via Reddit

Helldivers Would Probably Love to See This Monster in the Game

Truth be told, we expected the community’s reaction would be a simple “Nope”. However, some Helldivers 2 players love their flying bugs, and they’d love to see these Bile Titans in-game.

Charmle_H raved: “Holy f**k, kill it with fire. That said: awesome. Love it. Would kill it immediately on-sight. No questions asked. Every time I spot one. But man that would be kinda cool”.

Some players were so shocked that they broke into song, Doctor Seuss-style. HealerNeedsAPeeler noted: “No. So much no. ALL the no. I do not like this bat, I would not like it with a hat. I do not wish to hellbomb this, I do not desire to call Eagle hits. I do not like it Super Earth, I do not want it near my hearth. (Love it)”.

Finally, Helldivers being Helldivers, some players immediately came up with strategies on how to face this monster. One player suggested: “Hit it in the wing with an EAT to watch it tumble down into a death spin landing and producing a spore cloud in its dying gasp”. Another player added: “Would give the Spear extra utility too, being able to lock that thing mid-flight and drop it before it started a bile strafing run”.

We are still unsure how we feel about this creature. On one hand, the design is simply amazing, on the other hand, it’s a flying Bile Titan, that could be a bit much. Thankfully, the current Major Order is on the bot front. However, keep in mind that the War has been temporarily put on pause, so you can dive wherever you want to. For Liberty and Super Earth.

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