Until we get the Photo Mode, regular screenshots are how players get in-game images. It is pretty hard to get those cinematic shots and even the regular ones, where you strike a pose (as much as the game allows you to), have those weapons on your back to ruin the image. Luckily, that is a thing of the past, as you can now hide the weapons on your back in The First Descendant. However, this new feature passed under the radar of a lot of players, so we’re here to remind you.
PSA: “Hide Weapon on Back” Option Has Been Added to The First Descendant
The 1.2.4 Update added new mission types, Weapon Core Uncloking, Ines Raya, and the Lunar New Year event, so it is no wonder that minor improvements flew under the radar and were unnoticed by the majority of players. One just like that is the option to “hide” the weapons you have on your back, perfect if you want to make some great screenshots (or would rather simply not have those huge guns covering half of your Descendant’s body).
To do so, simply go to the game’s main options menu (the one you access by pressing the “Esc” button on the keyboard, for example). So, from the Options menu, go to Display, and scroll down to the bottom where you will see two new options: ”Show explosion effect during combat” and “Hide Weapon on Back”. Toggle the last one from Off to On, and from now on, only your selected weapon, ie, the one your Descendant is currently holding will be shown on the “model”. The other two will not be visible on the character’s back. The only exception to this are the Handguns/Hand Canons, as they are held on the hip, rather than on the back.

Fans Love It
As mentioned, a lot of players are not familiar with this option and are generally pretty happy with it. “I also did not know this until now,” said jordanberry_501, and “One of the best parts of the mid season update I was looking forward to actually lol. I wish it hid pistols on the hip too tho “ added 000extra. Some of them even intentionally kept an empty weapon slot to achieve this. It turns out that it even hides your back weapon from other players as well, allowing for some sweet group shots.
In any case, this is a neat option that you can toggle On or Off, to your liking. Hopefully, the real Photo Mode will get added soon.