Dragon Ball: 4 Strongest Super Saiyan 4 Transformations, Ranked

Dragon Ball: 4 Strongest Super Saiyan 4 Transformations, Ranked

Dragon Ball is a series full of incredible transformations fans can’t get enough of. The Saiyans have enjoyed several forms that let them reach new heights of power and decimate their foes in style. Even Dragon Ball GT couldn’t shy away from letting fans enjoy a brand-new transformation, even though the series’ primary focus was on channeling the spirit of adventure present at the very start of the series.


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Even though Dragon Ball GT was marketed towards kids, the Super Saiyan 4 transformation served as a middle ground that aged Goku up and helped him become stronger than ever before. There’s no denying that the design of this transformation is incredible and lets fans witness another level of power, with only a select few Saiyans enjoying the privilege of attaining this transformation.



Manages To Reach This Transformation After The Effects Of The Blutz Wave Generator

Super Saiyan 4 Vegeta in Dragon Ball GT

  • Debut: Super Saiyan 4 Vegeta (Episode 59 of Dragon Ball GT)

Dragon Ball GT did Vegeta dirty repeatedly, giving him a hilarious mustache and turning him into Baby’s host as he almost destroyed the entire world after being possessed a second time. However, in the Shadow Dragon Saga, the writers decided to make Vegeta relevant once again as he teamed up with Goku in a battle against Omega Shenron.

By using the Blutz Wave Generator developed by his wife, Vegeta re-grew his tail and decided to try and achieve the Super Saiyan 4 transformation. After turning into the Golden Great Ape, it took a while for him to regain his senses and achieve this powerful transformation. He was able to stand on equal footing with Goku as they teamed up to take on the personification of the Dragon Balls’ negative energy.



Transforms Into An Adult In Dragon Ball GT After Unlocking This Transformation

super saiyan 4 daima-1

  • Debut: Back in the Game (Episode 34 of Dragon Ball GT)

As one would expect, the first character to unlock the Super Saiyan 4 transformation was Goku. After transforming into a Golden Great Ape, Goku lost his senses and let Baby Vegeta slip from his grasp. He sees a photo of his family on vacation, with Pan’s pleas finally reaching him in an emotional moment. By regaining his senses at an opportune time, Goku was able to trigger the Super Saiyan 4 transformation.


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One can only imagine how long-time fans felt after seeing Goku in his adult form once again. It made it clear that GT was getting serious and would focus on larger-than-life battles once again, with fans eagerly anticipating how this powerful transformation would help Goku wipe the floor with Baby Vegeta. Fans staying up to date with Dragon Ball Daima were surprised to see this form make a return, although Goku doesn’t age up this time around.


Xeno Vegito

Super Dragon Ball Heroes Lets Fans Witness An Alternate Version Of Vegito With This Transformation

Super Saiyan 4 Xeno Vegito in Super Dragon Ball Heroes

  • Debut: Decisive Battle! Time Patrol vs the Lord of Darkness (Episode 20 of Super Dragon Ball Heroes)

While Super Dragon Ball Heroes is nothing more than a glorified advertisement for a wildly popular gacha game, it did let fans witness some amazing fanservice moments that they wouldn’t have been able to witness otherwise. This includes the appearance of Xeno Vegito, who transforms into a Super Saiyan 4 form to the amazement of many.

While it’s true that this transformation is completely illogical, most fans don’t care about this as long as they’re sold on the fact that Super Dragon Ball Heroes is just an excuse for some epic fights to take place. It’s the first and only appearance of Super Saiyan 4 Vegito in an anime adaptation and shows just how much power this form can wield.



Dominated Omega Shenron With Ease In This Transformation


  • Debut: Super Saiyan 4 Fusion (Episode 60 of Dragon Ball GT)

Until this point, Gogeta was only a transformation seen in a Dragon Ball Z movie. However, the threat that Omega Shenron posed was so massive that Goku and Vegeta realized that their individual powers wouldn’t be enough. They had to fuse into the ultimate warrior who could take out this imposing foe with ease. After nailing the Fusion Dance, fans witnessed Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta in the flesh for the first time.

The power this character wielded was otherworldly, with Omega Shenron barely being able to keep up with this warrior’s speed as he was schooled with ease. However, as fans have witnessed time and time again, a Saiyan’s arrogance is multiplied considerably in their fused state, and Gogeta decided to toy around with his prey instead of getting the job done. This was a fatal mistake since the transformation was undone and Goku reverted into a child when they tried to fuse once again. Thankfully, even in the face of such adversity, Goku managed to whip out a Spirit Bomb that wielded energy from the entire universe to take out Omega Shenron once and for all.

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