Every GrabPack Hand In Poppy Playtime In Order

Every GrabPack Hand In Poppy Playtime In Order


  • The hands in Poppy Playtime play a crucial role in solving puzzles through various functions.
  • Introduced gradually in different chapters, each hand has unique abilities like unlock doors and shoot flares.
  • The Omni-Hand is a key item in Chapter 4 that unlocks high-security doors but has limited uses in the game.

One of the most recognizable parts of the Poppy Playtime franchise is the comedically cartoonish hands that bob around at the bottom of the screen. It is an important part of creating the unique presence of the unnamed protagonist, as it is all players have to identify them by. It is a neat solution to maintain the mysterious anonymity of the player character while allowing the player to complete puzzles from a first-person perspective.


Poppy Playtime Chapter 4: Every VHS Tape In Order

There are 18 VHS tapes spread throughout Poppy Playtime Chapter 4. Here’s where players can find each of them.

But what are these hands? The GrabPack, developed by Elliot Ludwig, is a somewhat whimsical piece of employee equipment at the Playtime Co. factory. The hands are a variety of attachments that can be used in conjunction with the GrabPack to manipulate items, activate switches, etc. There are six core hands in total that are discovered at different times during the Chapters of Poppy Playtime. They also have varying degrees of usefulness, depending on the situation.

Light Spoilers Ahead For Poppy Playtime Chapters 1 – 4


The Blue Hand

Baby’s First GrabPack Hand

  • Unique Function: Unlocks blue hand scanner doors
  • Other functions include manipulating objects and conducting electricity
  • Introduced in Chapter 1
  • Used with GrabPack 1.0 and 2.0

The Blue Hand is the first hand the player encounters, and it is introduced in tandem with the GrabPack 1.0. The player is informed of its functions in one of the many VHS tapes hidden around the factory in the Poppy Playtime series. It is the player’s first taste of Poppy Playtime’s puzzle-solving mechanics and takes a bit of getting used to.

It was introduced at a time in which all the unexplored areas of the factory were only accessible by activating one or more scanners. The Blue Hand is the only left-hand attachment thus far, and it is with the player throughout their journey through the factory.


The Red Hand

Two Hands Are Better Than One

  • Unique Function: Integrated torch
  • Other functions include manipulating objects, operating red hand scanners, and conducting electricity
  • Introduced in Chapter 1
  • Used with GrabPack 1.0 and 2.0

The player finds the Red GrabPack Hand for the first time on a conveyor belt in the warehouse in Chapter 1, and later in the prison on the body of a dead guard in Chapter 4. The Red Hand is an absolute game changer in Chapter 1, alleviating the player’s frustration at only being able to use one hand.

The Red Hand has an integrated torch, but the game notoriously takes control of the torch away from the player periodically. The torch can still be used when the Red Hand is not equipped. Without the Red Hand, the player cannot open certain doors that require using both the Red and Blue Hands. The addition of the Red Rand also allows players to complete electricity puzzles. The Red and Blue Hands have conductive properties, and making connections between points becomes a key mechanic of the series.


The Green Hand

Swapping Functions

  • Unique Function: Storing and transporting electricity
  • Introduced in Chapter 2
  • Used with GrabPack 1.0 and 2.0

The player finds the Green Hand in the Molding Room in Chapter 2, and it is the first alternate attachment to be unlocked in Poppy Playtime. Like all special attachments, it is equipped on the right hand. Very few doors can be opened with the Green Hand, and it is mostly used for solving electricity puzzles.


How Long To Beat Poppy Playtime Chapter 4

Poppy Playtime Chapter 4 has several locations and puzzles you’ll need to get through in order to beat it, let’s discuss how long it is.

The Green Hand allows players to transfer electricity between two points that can’t be connected with the original Red and Blue Hands. Electricity can only be stored for a short period, adding a time pressure dimension to the original electricity puzzles.


The Purple Hand

Reaching New Heights

  • Unique Function: Enhances Jumping
  • Introduced in Chapter 3
  • Used with the Grabpack 2.0

The player finds the Purple Hand, also known as the Jump Hand, in the Gas Production Zone in Chapter 3. In conjunction with the purple jump pads, the Purple Hand can propel the player high into the air. This limitation is obviously essential, otherwise the Purple Hand would be completely game-breaking.

The Purple Hand adds another dimension to the puzzle platforming and level navigation in Poppy Playtime. During an obstacle course section in Chapter 4, Doctor Sawyer short circuits the Purple Hand, which breaks all right-hand attachments, leaving the player severely… short-handed.


The Orange Flare Hand

Keep Away From Flammable Materials

  • Unique Function: Shoots flares
  • Introduced in Chapter 3
  • Introduced with the GrabPack 2.0

The Orange Flare Hand can be found in the School Playcare in Chapter 3. The Flare Hand has a single function: it shoots flares. However, the flares can be used for a variety of purposes. Some items are flammable or explosive and can be shot with flares to ignite them. Other items can be burnt away to gain access to new areas.

During Chapter 4, the flares are essential in dealing with Yarnaby and the Critters. Mini-critters and other mini-carnivorous toys can be scared off with flares, and Yarnaby can be distracted by setting objects on fire. In a game in which the player has no real form of defense, it’s quite comforting to have something vaguely resembling a classic video game gun.


The Omni-Hand

The Key To High-Security Areas

  • Unique Function: Unlocks high-security level doors
  • Introduced in Chapter 4
  • Used with GrabPack 2.0

Only four Omni-Hands are known to have been officially created by Playtime Co., and acquiring one of them is a key goal in Poppy Playtime Chapter 4. Controlling the Omni-Hand means controlling access to certain parts of the factory. This is established in a VHS tape found in Chapter 4 in which Doctor Harley Sawyer, in his disembodied brain form, convinces the Warden to give him an Omni-Hand. This is a pivotal moment during the Hour of Joy in which power shifts from company control to the control of the Prototype.


Poppy Playtime: Chapter 4 – All Easter Eggs

Poppy Playtime Chapter 4, like the previous chapters, is filled with secrets and easter eggs for fans of the series to uncover.

Unfortunately, it seems to have been a MacGuffin to some extent. The Omni-Hand is touted as some sort of master key for the facility, but it only appears to provide limited additional access in Chapter 4. It only has four uses which will no doubt prove to be a point of tension or limitation in Chapter 5. The Omni-Hand can be found after defeating The Doctor in Chapter 4.

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Indie Games


Survival Horror


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October 12, 2021



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