So, you’ve reached level 150, what next? You can always join the new recruits and help them out, that’s always fun to do. However, if you’ve been maxed out for a while, as many Helldivers have been, this can start getting tiring. Don’t get us wrong, seeing new players lose their minds when we give them a mech to play with is one of our favorite activities, but still, it would be cool to have something to grind for. So, the Helldivers 2 community came up with the idea of prestige ranks to keep the veterans happy and grinding.
How Would the Prestige Ranks Work in Helldivers 2?
This concept isn’t entirely new, but the players adapted it to Helldivers 2. The idea developed from one player’s frustration with being unable to grind as they used to. So, this creative player came up with a way the devs could make the game more challenging without really adding much.
Walking_on_a_dream noted: “I love this game, been playing since launch. But having been level 150 for so long now, I have less motivation to play other than for fun ( and it’s still super fun). I think a lot of you can recognize this, you are capped out on everything but keep playing just for the heck of it. What about something like a prestige system where you begin at level 1 again but as like a “super” cadet or whatever? Just to have some arbitrary numbers to grind for”.
The majority of players agreed with this idea, as it wouldn’t be hard to implement, thus it wouldn’t require a lot of effort from devs. One player, i_tyrant, explained that this approach was common in MMO games. They added: “You could do a “reincarnation” once you’d hit max level and revert to level 1, but with a small-yet-permanent boost that you couldn’t get any other way. I can say it vastly improved the replayability of the game, in an effectively scalable way”.

Many Helldivers Still Crave New Content Above All Else
Even though the majority of Helldivers 2 players agreed that prestige ranks could motivate them to continue the grind, many pointed out that after level 50 it didn’t really matter which rank you were. However, they admitted to finding the motivation in the progress of the Second Galactic War, and, of course, other new content.
T_LorB stated: “I don’t think I’d be interested in prestige. I just want Arrowhead to keep releasing new types of missions and new challenges. Which they have been doing! There are so many good games out these days. I’ll just take a break between new content releases”.
Truth be told, we think that a prestige system would be a fun addition. Sure, the devs should keep working on updates, and, hopefully, customization, but this seems like quite a simple system. In the meantime, why don’t you join us in the fight to complete the Major Order (while probably cursing Joel)? For Liberty and Super Earth.