Helldivers 2 Players Are Enamored With the Current State of the Bot Front, but Some Claim the Bots in the Urban Environment Feel.. Off  

Helldivers 2 Players Are Enamored With the Current State of the Bot Front, but Some Claim the Bots in the Urban Environment Feel.. Off  

If you’ve been offline for the last couple of days – you’ve missed quite a lot! On March 18, the devs issued an amazing update and announced the new Warbond. However, as usual, it was the content that the patch notes didn’t mention that stole the show. The devs sneaked in a new variant of the Factory Strider, a new side Objective (Intercept the Convoy), and urban cities on the bot front. Quite a day for botdivers! So far, it seems that the majority of Helldivers 2 players enjoy the new challenges of the bot front, except, maybe, fighting the bots on the streets.

Bugdivers Are Living the Good Life

As you probably know, there’s always been a divide between the bugdivers and the botdivers. Many botdivers have claimed that the devs are prioritizing the Terminid front, thus leaving the bugdivers fighting the same battles over and over again.

Well, a new era has begun for bugdivers. The latest update gave botdivers pretty much everything they were asking for. The Jet Brigade is a thing of the past, as the Incineration Corps takes over. The convoys are challenging and fun, as players are still getting used to Stratagem Jammers on Factory Striders. The bot front feels well-balanced, finally.

Mahoganytooth noted: “Very pleased to have a bit of struggle and bite back in the game. Not as good as it used to be but it’s a huge leap in the right direction. It’s been so long since I’ve felt threatened by a foe as much as I do by the conflag devastators”.

DoveTaketh added: “For the first time in a while me and my friends had to clonk our heads together and strategize against the enemy. Raise the flag with those f**kers is ruthless”.

Helldivers 2 player on the bot front.
Image via N4G Unlocked

Some Helldivers Would Love to See Elaborate Cities on the Bot Front

As always, even when things are good, they could be better. Some Helldivers 2 players who love fighting on the bot front claim that the urban environments just don’t feel right. When Helldivers started fighting the Squids and the bugs on the streets, it felt just right. However, fighting bots felt underwhelming to some players.

One player, khknight, stated: “To summarize, adjust the RNG to give us more city missions, larger chunks of cities, and make the bot “decorations” appear more. More cages, more mass graves, and scarecrows. And maybe give the civilian cage side objective idea a try, and since some buildings come pre-destroyed, maybe have some machine gun nests hiding in them. Adding those two additions would cap it all off very nicely. Make bot cities feel fleshed out”.

Desxon added: “I think bots need that extra edge of fortifying a city and having it cleaned up from bodies and such, turning it into an occupation zone. Cities utilized by bots should be grounds for their defense. Cities for bots need to feel like attacking a full-blown outpost… heck D10 fortresses should be placed around cities if the map has one”.

Now, truth be told, we fought the bots in urban environments, and, sure, some things could be improved. But, we still thoroughly enjoyed it and had lots of fun. So, if you haven’t tried it out, you should.

As for the current Major Order, ugh, it seems that Helldivers have already failed this one. However, that shouldn’t stop you from trying! We’ll meet you on the bug front, as there is still a chance to complete that Option. For Liberty and Super Earth.

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