“Here Comes Serena With a Folding Chair!” Players Miffed That Despite Nexon’s Promise of a Rebalance In The First Descendant, Serena Is Way Too Powerful

“Here Comes Serena With a Folding Chair!” Players Miffed That Despite Nexon’s Promise of a Rebalance In The First Descendant, Serena Is Way Too Powerful

Quite recently, Nexon promised that they would do their best to rebalance popular but problematic characters and make them all viable choices in The First Descendant, but it looks like that does not include Serena.

Serena is the new craze now in TFD. This character gives a whole new perspective to the game, both in her playstyle (the first real flying character) and storywise (she’s a first-generation Descendant). Unfortunately, the fans are all too well aware that power creep is a thing in TFD. We all (more or less) believed in Nexon’s recent promise to rebalance some problematic Descendants, so that the game wouldn’t default to only a couple of effective characters but rather make more of them viable choices. Unfortunately, the power creep is still here, as Serena proves to be insanely better than any other character, which the player base is not taking very well.

Serena Proves More Powerful Than Any Other Character in The First Descendant, Despite Nexon Promise of a Rebalance

During the last devlive, just before the S2E2 update went live, Nexon mentioned that they aim to rebalance a bunch of problematic characters (and even nerf one, which is something they avoided since the beginning) so they can all be viable. On the other hand, it is almost guaranteed that a new character would perform better than the rest, to entice players to try and get them as soon as possible (preferably by paying real money). But it looks like they really went off the rails when it comes to Serena.

In a recent discussion on Reddit, players reported that Serena can obliterate Tormentor on her own in just a second or two. Furthermore, other videos show Serena speedrunning the infamous Stage 30 Void Erosion (the “toughest” content out there) in barely more than two minutes. 

The main culprit behind her effectiveness is her easy access to Multi-Hit, the new trait that’s introduced to TFD, and the ability to buff her Firearms to obviously incredible levels. So she can deal tons of single-target damage, as well as AoE, without needing to rely on Skills for that. 

The fans are puzzled as to why Nexon said that they would nerf Ines, only to add a new character that outperforms her even before the announced nerf. “And at this point I just don’t have the energy to complain anymore. I seriously don’t understand what their plan is and what are they trying to do. The game has turned into a daily chore that isn’t fun to play at all. Their whole idea about the game and what makes it interesting is flawed and I don’t know if they’ll ever realize this,” wanders silveredge7 and “The power creep is real, many should be nerfed but first they need to nerf the guns it’s just crazy what going on right now,“ added ResponsibleTruck4717.

It looks like the situation is so bad that even Vash Cowaii, a famous YouTuber who really contributed to the TFD community, is ready to throw in the towel and look into other games. “I just don’t see where this is [going]; everything they do at this point feels like an oxymoron. They wanna nerf someone we say is overpowered and then willingly release someone they know is even more busted. I don’t get it, guys.”

We can only hope that Nexon rebalances Serena as well when the infamous balance patch hits, “somewhere after the Episode 2 update”. Let’s be real: the chances of them weakening their newest “moneymaker” are slim at best. But we are okay with being surprised!

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