“How Are the AFK Players Already a Problem?” Monster Hunter Wilds Community Agrees When It’s Okay to Kick Players From the Quest

“How Are the AFK Players Already a Problem?” Monster Hunter Wilds Community Agrees When It’s Okay to Kick Players From the Quest

The game was released on February 28. At the time of writing this article, it’s been less than two weeks since the players started facing all the wonderfully-designed monsters. However, it seems that some Monster Hunter Wilds players aren’t intrigued by the monsters, as they go AFK during the quests, causing other players to kick them. Has this ever happened to you?

All Players Should Get to Enjoy Monster Hunter Wilds

Unsurprisingly, facing a monster alone can be quite a feat, especially since this game is a co-op. However, some players reported that they had unpleasant experiences with unhelpful players who answered their SOS.

Now, don’t get us wrong, we strongly believe that everyone should play the game however they want, using whatever build they want. There should be no place for bullying in any game, including this one. But, that doesn’t mean one should feel free to take advantage of their fellow players or ruin their game. This game is for all players to enjoy.

One player, minev1128, issued a PSA: “You can kick players from your quest”. They elaborated: “Was doing the latest event quest and the person was just waiting in the base waiting for the quest to end. Kicked him before I finished the quest”.

The OP also shared how to kick an AFK player. They stated: “Open the menu > go to member list > quest members > select the player > remove option. You can only do this if the monster is still alive”.

Monster Hunter Wilds image of a hunter riding a Seikret, with a pet next to her
Monster Hunter Wilds is highly rated. Image via Steam

Is It Too Harsh to Kick an AFK Player From Your Quest?

Well, no, it isn’t. The majority of Monster Hunter Wilds players agreed that AFK players deserved a kick. This all comes back to showing some respect to your fellow players and sharing responsibilities.

One player, ryo3000, noted: “I was doing Gore Magala on the arena and someone joined, carted and then stayed in camp waiting for me to kill. Had to use the barrier to have time to get away, Google how to kick someone, and remove them. Meanwhile, they were staring at me and moving side to side”.

Of course, it’s important to note that this obviously doesn’t apply to players who joined the quest too late to contribute significantly. That isn’t something one can control, but it happens. So, don’t worry, if you’ve joined too late to actually contribute, that isn’t your fault, you’re fine. You’ll get to help out someone else.

Live and let others live, or rather, play and let others play. Everyone deserves to spend some time with their Palico after a long day, and hunt a couple of monsters, right? So, enjoy the game, and see you out there.

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