How Crucial Is It to Stay United? Helldivers 2 Players Discuss Splitting Up to Finish All the Objectives

How Crucial Is It to Stay United? Helldivers 2 Players Discuss Splitting Up to Finish All the Objectives

One could argue that sticking together is a must in a co-op game. Whether one is talking about a single squad or the entire community, it’s easier to get things done by working together, right? Well, yes, and no, according to some Helldivers. You see, cooperation is crucial, but that’s not always the case with sticking together. Some Helldivers 2 players insist that splitting up is sometimes the only way to complete everything that has to be done.

Is Splitting Up the Way to Go?

The majority of Helldivers would instinctively say finishing the MO Objectives one by one is the way to go. For example, if the MO asked the Helldivers to liberate two planets, then they should be liberated one by one, as trying to liberate them both simultaneously could lead to failure on both.

However, sometimes that isn’t the case, and the only way to win is to split up carefully. Of course, this is incredibly hard to achieve. During the previous MO, when the players had to choose between the bug and the bot front, they split up and failed miserably. Helldivers lost Moradesh.

On the other hand, the current Major Order shows us that splitting up can be an amazing strategy in Helldivers 2. As you probably know, the players have to keep four planets until the end of the MO. Two of those planets, Fenrir III and Achernar Secundus, fell soon after the MO started. So, it’s up to Helldivers to liberate them and keep them.

Well, at the time of writing this article, Helldivers have managed to split up perfectly. The majority of players (53,8%) are on Fenrir III. They will liberate this planet in around 14 hours. At the same time, around 23% of players are on Achernar Secundus. The liberation rate of this planet is only 0,23% per hour. This isn’t enough to liberate the planet, but it’s just enough to keep it ready for the majority of Helldivers to take over as soon as they liberate Fenrir III. This truly is the perfect example of splitting up, but still working together.

The community split up on two planets in Helldivers 2.
Screenshot by N4G Unlocked via DiversHub

Helldivers 2 Players Are All for Keeping That Fine Balance

This balancing act of being on two planets and following a plan to liberate them both is quite rare in this game. Of course, seasoned Helldivers praised the idea and elaborated on what needs to be done.

One of them, eydasgdf, noted: “We need to split up, most people on Fenrir III to get it liberated ASAP. And have just enough people on Achernar secundus so we don’t lose progress on it. We should be able to just barely complete the MO, if we do it this way. Once Fenrir is liberated, everyone will move over to Achernar, which should give us around 20 hours to liberate Achernar. Which will be much easier starting at 50%”.

So, dear Helldiver, you know what needs to be done! We’ll be joining the majority of players on Fenrir III, and we’d love to see you there. Let’s squish some of those Predator bugs together. For Liberty and Super Earth.

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