How to get secret Artian Armor set in Monster Hunter Wilds

How to get secret Artian Armor set in Monster Hunter Wilds

As you approach the postgame stages of Monster Hunter Wilds, you’ll get your hands on the Artian Weapons and Armor. You’ll initially encounter its distinct weapon class first until you eventually unlock its gear. We’re here to show how to get the secret Artian Armor set in MH Wilds.

How to unlock Artian Armor in MH Wilds

To unlock the hidden Artian Armor set, complete Alma’s What We Protect side quest. It’ll appear during Chapter 5, which requires you to reach the endgame. Once you unlock this chapter, Alma will enlist you on a Blangonga hunt at Iceshard Cliffs.

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Those strong enough to bring this beast down will receive the Artian α Armor recipe as a reward. Go to the Smithy to discover this new set. In addition to this piece, you’ll receive 10 Ancient Wyvern Coins and a Large Goldenscale Vase. Both items can be used in Item Trades, which benefit the Material Retrieval farming system.

All Blangonga weaknesses

You can prepare yourself for the Blangonga showdown by using these weaknesses:

  • Weakest Body Part: Rear
  • Recommended Elemental Attack: Fire and Thunder
  • Effective Status Effects:
    • Poison: Moderately effective
    • Sleep: Moderately effective
    • Paralysis: Moderately effective
    • Blastblight: Moderately effective
    • Stun: Moderately effective
    • Exhaust: Moderately effective
  • Effective Items:
    • Flash Pod
    • Shock Trap
    • Pitfall Trap

The Sonic Bomb is the only trap you should avoid utilizing for the Blangonga fight, as it won’t be as effective as the others. You can also target its rear (yes, that means its butt) with either fire or thunder attacks). Or, go for its breakable parts on its head and tail.

Blongonga weak points
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Be warned; the Blongonga has a pretty mean punch when it’s angry. Even more so, its minions (the small Blangos) will go after you to deal more damage.

What’s included in the Artian Armor recipe?

While the ‘What We Do’ side quest does unlock the secret armor recipe, you’ll still need to farm its resources. Here’s a breakdown of its ingredients:

Armor Pieces Required Ingredients
Artian Helm α x5 Gracium
x1 Frenzy Crystal
x1 Novacrystal
Artian Mail α x5 Gracium
x2 Frenzy Shard
x10 Earth Crystal
Artian Vambraces α x5 Gracium
x1 Frenzy Crystal
x1 Dragonbone Relic
Artian Coil α x5 Gracium
x2 Frenzy Shard
x1 Firecell Stone
Artian Greaves α x5 Gracium
x1 Frenzy Crystal
x3 Guardian Blood+

Each piece costs 4,000 Zenny and three High-Rank resources. Most materials should be available to you at the start of Chapter 5. However, you must advance in this chapter to unlock the Frenzy Crystals. Let’s go over how to get to all Artian Armor ingredients.

  • Gracium: High-Rank Mining Outcrops in Iceshard Cliffs
  • Frenzy Crystal: Destroy Wounds on Gore Mangala (unlocks during Chapter 5-2)
  • Novacrystals: High-Rank Mining Outcrops in Windward Plains, Scarlet Forest, Oilwell Basin, or Wyveria
  • Frenzy Shard: Destroy Wounds on Frenzied Monsters (excluding Gore Mangala)
  • Earth Crystal: Low or High-Rank Mining Outcrops at Windward Plains or Scarlet Forest
  • Dragonbone Relic: High-Rank Bonepiles
  • Firecell Stone: High-Rank Mining Outcrops in Oilwell Basin
  • Guardian Blood+: Destroy Wounds on High-Rank Guardian Monsters

The Gore Mangala is one of the very last monsters you’ll encounter in Monster Hunter Wilds. Complete each sub-chapter in the main campaign until you get to the Shrouded in Black quest. You’ll likely reach Hunter Rank 34 to 40 at this time, which will take a while to achieve.

Unlocking the Artian Armor
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All Artian armor buffs

If you acquire the entire set of Artian Armor, you’ll earn the following benefits:


  • Defense: 44
  • Fire Res: 1
  • Water Res: -2
  • Thunder Res: -2
  • Ice Res: 2
  • Dragon Res: 3

Equipment Skills

  • Flayer: Makes it easier to inflict Wounds and deals additional non-elemental damage with enough hits.
  • Earplugs: Grants protection from large monsters
  • Adaptability: Grants protection against environmental damage.
  • Blight Resistance: Grants protection against all elemental blights.
  • Windproof: Grants protection against wind pressure.
  • Tremor Resistance: Grants protection against ground tremors.
  • Guardian’s Protection Group Skill: Reduces elemental and unique damage while in the Ruins of Wyveria.

Artian α is one of the few sets with multiple Equipment Skills, protecting you from a variety of enemy attacks. Equip three pieces of this armor to receive the Guardian’s Protection, a Wyveria-exclusive perk. For more secret gear tips, check out our guide on how to get all 11 hidden Armor Sets.

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