“Illegal?” Some The First Descendant Players Ask For Justice As a Sneaky Recolor Of Ines Made Them Feel Cheated

“Illegal?” Some The First Descendant Players Ask For Justice As a Sneaky Recolor Of Ines Made Them Feel Cheated

Nexon has made some wild decisions in the past with the game’s Skins, but usually on the positive side. Unfortunately, now they made a sneaky decision to recolor Ines, more specifically her default skin, and The First Descendant players are having none of it.

When we first met her, Ines Raya was wearing a slick, black bodysuit. Her design is her selling point and a lot of players were quick to farm her research materials, or simply just swiped (ie, purchased her with cash). She quickly rose to fame as the most popular Descendant, both in appearance and gameplay. However, for reasons unknown, Nexon changed the color scheme of her default skin without notifying anyone in advance, sparking an outrage in the community. Some players even claim that this is borderline illegal, saying that changing purchased cosmetics falls under “false advertising” and is not what the paying customers, well, paid.

The First Descendant Devs Did a Sneaky Recolor of Ines Raya, Prompting a Fan Outrage

After the latest update, players noticed that Ines’ default skin has changed from the shiny black suit to a more matte, grey color. Whatever your stance is on the color choices, we can’t deny that it is not what many players paid for. You should at least be safe thinking that the default skin of your purchased character will not be changed. But, you would be wrong.

More and more players are flooding social media with posts asking does anyone knows more about this, and voicing their discontent. “It’s very strange they decided to change her basic concept art outfit like that. Id like them to at least give her old outfit back as an option,” said RaviDrone, and “Terrible decision. It should be reverted,” said Ordinary_Block_4131.

The worst part of the whole situation is that the change was done in secret, shattering the trust between the players and the devs. “What you did, Stealth changing Purchased Cosmetics, is ILLEGAL. We noticed. You need to include EVERYTHING changed in the Patch Notes. People are dropping this game and soon you’re gonna have to offer LOTS of Caliber as Refunds to keep those you betrayed.” said GodofEarth79 on X.

Some Players Call For Action During the Upcoming Livestream

There is a livestream, scheduled for February 9-10, where the devs will talk about the upcoming updates. With the whole Ines recolor situation, some players call on the community to voice their dissatisfaction in the chat, during the stream.

“…in the next live stream or QnA if they haven’t done anything, make sure your voices are heard and let them know of everyone’s displeasure of the changes. What they’ve done is make people lose trust in the devs knowing they tried to make this silent change hoping people won’t notice since they didn’t mentioned anything on their patch notes. This is also border on false advertising and while it is just the default outfit, some people who didn’t grind for her did pay to get her so baiting and switching is not a good look.” said Nick_Nismo.

While the default skin is no big deal (and, as other players noted, her other skins are unchanged), we can’t deny that a sneaky change, without notifying the players in any way, leaves a bad taste in everyone’s proverbial mouth. Hopefully, they will address the issue in the upcoming livestream and try to make amends (as they have done in the past).

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