Infinity Nikki Players, Get Ready! Three New Events Are Starting on February 13

Infinity Nikki Players, Get Ready! Three New Events Are Starting on February 13

Things are about to get even more interesting! The developers of Infinity Nikki announced that three new events would begin on February 13. Players have a couple of very interesting weeks ahead of them, that’s for sure.

What Do We Know About the Three Events?

On February 12, the developers took to Discord and announced the upcoming events. The events are called Allison’s Travel Shop, Bright Moments, and Super Escalation. Let’s see what you should expect from each of these.

Allison’s Travel Shop. The devs noted: “A mysterious merchant, Alison, has been captivated by the charm of New Horizons Day. During the event, Alison will prepare a daily checklist of items to find. Stylists can visit her and exchange materials from the list for awesome rewards. The list will be reset daily at 04:00:00”. This event starts on February 13, 2025, 20:00:00 (UTC-7) and lasts until February 25, 2025, 12:49:59 (UTC-7). The rewards are Revelation Crystal*5, and Glitter Bubbles.

Alison's Travel Shop event in Infinity Nikki.
Image via the official Infinity Nikki Discord

Bright Moments. According to devs: “During the event, four tasks will be unlocked daily. Completing tasks to earn [Fragrant Bouquets] and gather enough to exchange for awesome rewards”. The event begins on February 13, 2025, 20:00:00 (UTC-7) and finishes on February 25, 2025, 12:49:59 (UTC-7). The rewards are Diamonds and Growth Materials.

Bright Moments event in Infinity Nikki.Bright Moments event in Infinity Nikki.
Image via the official Infinity Nikki Discord

Super Escalation. The devs announced: “During the [Super Escalation] event, enter [Realm of Escalation] and use [Altar of Escalation] to exchange for double materials. The daily Super Escalation Vital Energy limit is 120”. This event starts on February 15, 2025, 04:00:00 (Server Time) and lasts until February 22, 2025, 03:59:59 (Server Time).

Super Escalation event in Infinity Nikki.Super Escalation event in Infinity Nikki.
Image via the official Infinity Nikki Discord

Infinity Nikki Players Can’t Wait for the Events to Start

As you may have expected, Infinity Nikki players were excited, but one of the three events captured their hearts. Yes, of course, players are super excited for Super Escalation.

Disig noted: “Super escalation? Thank God just as I’m finishing glowing up my LAST 5* OUTFIT I need for fashion battles. At least the bling will be good”. Another player, multistansendhelp, stated: “Super Escalation! I’m not in too great of a need for glow-ups right now but I’ll hoard bubbles anyway for the next time I need them”.

We can’t wait to meet Allison, not to mention enjoying all the benefits of Super Escalation. It almost makes up for the lack of housing. Well, dear Infinity Nikki player, get your Momo ready, these next couple of weeks are going to be dynamic, enjoy them to the fullest.

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