Isn’t the Jet Brigade Dismantled? J.O.E.L Throws Another Curveball at Helldivers 2 Players

Isn’t the Jet Brigade Dismantled? J.O.E.L Throws Another Curveball at Helldivers 2 Players

The bot front is going through a renaissance. The current Major Order, and everything that has happened (or hasn’t happened!) during it, brought numerous players to the Automaton front. It even sparked the wish to try to get to Cyberstan! However, J.O.E.L seems to have found a way to keep the Helldivers 2 players preoccupied by attacking Chort Bay, the home planet of the infamous Jet Brigade.

Is the Jet Brigade Back?

Is it… back? Well, not yet, but there are some indicators that the Jet Brigade might make yet another comeback. You might remember that Helldivers fought for days in early February, trying to stop the Jet Brigade. The Major Order at the time sent them to Chort Bay to destroy the factories where these bots were made. That stopped Automatons from producing these flying clankers.

Well, it seems that J.O.E.L woke up and chose violence, as an attack on Chort Bay was launched some six hours ago. Now, Chort Bay has the Jet Brigade tag in-game, and when you select this planet it says the Jet Brigade Factories are present. At the time of writing this article, more than 3000 Helldivers are fighting a losing battle on Chort Bay.

J.O.E.L attacked Chort Bay, making Helldivers 2 players worried the Jet Brigade would come back.
Image by Very_Concerned_Bread via Reddit

Helldivers Are Concerned Losing Chort Bay Would Bring Back the Jet Brigade

Is it possible that the Super Earth officials didn’t finish the job on Chort Bay? Are there any factories left? J.O.E.L made Helldivers 2 players quite worried about the possible return of the Jet Brigade.

GeniusPlayUnique stated: “Honestly, CHORT BAY hardly matters from a strategic standpoint. But, after it falls, we may be in big trouble. This might be J.O.E.L.’s revenge for the high liberation rates we had absolutely no control over”.

MasterYosh10 added: “There has been no resistance in our Major Order since the bot outage a few days back. All of a sudden, a bunch of our other more obscure planets are being attacked, and our forces have yet been able to come to a singular and coordinated attack plan”.

We’d say that’s just J.O.E.L being J.O.E.L. Helldivers can plan all they want to, and J.O.E.L would still find a way to ruin everything. However, at the very least, it seems that Helldivers managed to save the feeble young adults and the Gas Mines for the current Major Order. Who knows what’s to come next, so we’ll be diving on Chort Bay for the time being. Will you join us? For Liberty and Super Earth.

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