It’s taken 28 years but F2P MMO Tibia is finally getting a new class

It’s taken 28 years but F2P MMO Tibia is finally getting a new class

Yep, you read that right: 28 years. Older than both World of Warcraft and RuneScape, in case you were wondering. Despite launching in the late 1990s, the isometric-styled F2P MMORPG Tibia has never added a new playable class despite its many content updates.

All that is about to change, however, as developer CipSoft has revealed that sometime this year the classic MMORPG will receive its first-ever new playable vocation: the Monk. Just the fifth class featured in the nearly three-decade-old MMO, the Monk will join existing vocations Druid, Knight, Paladin, and Sorcerer.

According to CipSoft, the Monk vocation is a melee fighter capable of supporting and healing allies while using martial arts and mystical abilities to defeat its enemies. The Monk class will also wield exclusive special features including harmony, virtues, or serene. Despite its more unique gameplay, the Monk will integrate seamlessly into the world of Tibia, without undermining the value of the other vocations or making them feel obsolete.

I haven’t played Tibia in…well…probably back around when it was released in 1997. Another cult-classic MMORPG, Ultima Online, was released later that year, and to me felt like an improved version of Tibia. That being said, over the last 28 years, both games have continued to be supported in some way shape, or form, as both games still have a dedicated playerbase.

A new class is always exciting for an MMORPG, but it’s hard to see exactly how it will affect Tibia. On one hand, I imagine the playerbase will be excited to get an entirely new class after having these same four for all this time. However, the argument could also be made that for an MMO to still find success after this many years, maybe there is some sort of balance between the existing four classes that could be disrupted by a new fifth vocation. You know, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

The Monk class is set to fight its way onto the character selection screen in Tibia later this year. CipSoft plans to release more about the Monk over the next few weeks as well as begin external testing for the class on February 25.

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