“Long Time No See, Diver!” The Community Offers a Warm Welcome to Returning Helldivers 2 Players

“Long Time No See, Diver!” The Community Offers a Warm Welcome to Returning Helldivers 2 Players

Everyone needs a break sometimes, even from the things they enjoy. However, it’s always good to know that you have a great community to come back to. Unsurprisingly, the Helldivers 2 community is one of those communities that welcomes the returning players with open arms.

So, You’re Thinking of Returning to Helldivers 2?

Since the game dropped in February 2024, a lot has happened! Helldivers had some epic battles, most notably the Creek, Meridia, and Calypso (to name just a few). However, it wasn’t all smooth sailing, the PSN controversy still remains a sore wound, and the game almost died at one point during the summer.

Still, the devs worked hard and revived the game during their 60-day deadline. Soon after, the DSS was added, and later on, the Illuminate arrived. Of course, other factions received more new units throughout the year. Most recently, Helldivers fought the Predator and the Spore Burst strains of bugs, and even (supposedly) managed to put a stop to the infamous Jet Brigade.

As for the storylines, well, the new bug strains reside in the Gloom, a mysterious cloud of spores covering a large part of the bug front. Recently, the Helldivers went on their first expedition into the Gloom.

Another storyline is currently active, the Meridian Singularity! Ah, when Helldivers destroyed Meridia, they created a black hole, which somehow turned into a wormhole over time. Currently it’s known as the Singularity. The Illuminate managed to use the Dark Energy they harvest from the planets to move the Singularity, and it’s slowly moving toward Super Earth. It already destroyed Angel’s Venture, and it’s on its way to destroy Moradesh.

A lot more has happened, of course, but you’ll have more than enough time to explore if you decide to return. And, we think that it’s the perfect time to come back. Even though some players complain that there’s been a lot of “filler MOs” lately, they are perfect for getting you back in the form. Especially since another big update should arrive in the next month or so.

Helldivers 2 player looking at Angel's Venture blowing up.
The demise of Angel’s Venture. Image via N4G Unlocked

Helldivers Welcome the Players Who Decided to Return

The active players are more than happy to extend a welcoming hand to returning players. After all, the more players there are, the more efficiently we can spread Managed Democracy together. We are also glad to see an influx of returning players asking for advice.

One player, 69Chandler, noted: “Welcome back from the freezer, diver. If you like the clankers, you’re gonna LOVE the Artillery Emplacement in the Urban Legends warbond. Bring a Guard Dog and any orbital bomb for illumes, and you’re set”.

WitheredPlate added: “I would say try messing with just about everything. So many things got buffed/reworked that it’s hard to keep track of. One thing to note in particular is that dedicated anti-tank weapons (Recoilless Rifle, EAT, Spear, etc..) are now brutally potent”.

We’d also suggest trying as many weapons as you manage, sometimes we all overlook some great option. Other than that, well, take a big breath, and join us on the bot front for the current Major Order, it’s a doozy. See you out there! For Liberty and Super Earth.

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