“Low Urgency Issue” It’s Gonna Be a While Before Outposts Get Rehauled, Say The First Descendant Devs

“Low Urgency Issue” It’s Gonna Be a While Before Outposts Get Rehauled, Say The First Descendant Devs

It is a fact that some parts of the game are not a priority. Like Outposts, since The First Descendant devs just said that it’s gonna be a while before they get rehauled.

Outposts were always a peculiar farming spot. You can clear them in a matter of seconds, and then wait for a minute before they reset. All of that is just so you can get Outpost-specific Amorphous Materials and other exclusive rewards. It was a favorite haunt of Sharen-mains, as only she could get some extra rewards. But all of that was changed when Outpost-specific rewards became available in other places. Outposts kind of lost their purpose and the fans wondered what Nexon plans to do with them. It looks like we’re gonna have to wait for a while before we get a definite answer.

The First Descendant – Outposts Will Not Get Rehauled Anytime Soon

Outposts have had a couple of significant changes since the early days. When fans complained that waiting for a full minute for the Outpost to reset was a bit too much, Nexon halved that time, making it 30 seconds. This made Outposts less of a chore and Sharen mains were particularly happy about this. After that, in December 2024, the devs made Outpost-specific rewards available in Infiltration operations, disappointing many Sharen players. Players expected a complete overhaul of Outposts and now, more than two months after the change, we finally got some info.

In the recent AMA session, one fan asked about the Outpost rehaul, and Minseok Joo answered.

“Since Infiltration Ops can serve as an alternative for Outpost farming, we have determined that its urgency is lower. As a result, we are currently focusing on higher-priority issues and new content. 

The Outpost system now requires a complete overhaul, but after several discussions, we have yet to find an idea that would fully satisfy players. Since this is akin to launching an entirely new game mode, we believe it requires thorough preparation, which is why we are taking more time to develop it properly. I apologize for the delay in reworking this content.”

We all know that there are other, more pressing matters to attend to, and Nexon has been dealing with them one by one. Hopefully, it will not take too long for them to come up with a solution to Outposts. We speculate that we’ll get some answers come Season 3, at the earliest.

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