Medieval – times of constant sieges. Acquire plans, gather resources, create most powerful and destructive machines and then test them in battle. Thanks to your creations you will conquer more than one castle. The knights wage wars, but thanks to your machines they win them. You are Medieval Machines Builder.
You had the spark for inventing right from the childhood. The time has come to prove yourself as a young ballistic engineer! Your weapons will serve the King and his Kingdom, so be sure to make the most powerful and innovative contraptions possible! Start from scratch and reach for the fame as one of the most renown inventors in the whole Middle Ages in Medieval Machines Builder.
Medieval times are associated with constant skirmishes and castles. Both of these things are related to siege engines. As you know, an unused weapon is useless. Also, what you build, use in battle.
Learn craftsmanship from Medieval times. Use knowledge to create the best and deadly machines.
Make tools, it’s time to feel like MacGyver and create something out of nothing.
Stones, ropes, wood, boards and many other things needed for work are available to everyone, but they have to be found and transported.
All equipment must be tested. You will be surprised what machines and especially ammunition were used at that time. Stone boulders are standard. But how about exploding tanks or, for example, cows?
Buy and sell. Negotiate better prices and earn money to afford better and better equipment.