My Hero Academia: Characters Who Ended Up Being Surprisingly Weak

My Hero Academia: Characters Who Ended Up Being Surprisingly Weak


  • Moonfish, Uwabami, and Death Arms are portrayed as stronger than they actually are due to weaker quirks or lack of strength.
  • Despite high expectations, certain characters like Mei Hatsume excel in support roles rather than physical combat.
  • Characters like Aoyama and Nezu fail to reach their full potential due to struggles with their quirks or lack of combat experience.

In the world of My Hero Academia, there are tons of characters, heroes and villains alike, who possess immense physical strength, alongside powerful Quirks. However, throughout Midoriya’s travels, he has also encountered a fair few individuals who, while seeming like they would be a threat due to their appearance or reputation, actually ended up turning out to be a little weaker than many fans expected them to be, and more like a simple bump in the road rather than a serious issue.


My Hero Academia: Pro Heroes Who Will Shine In Vigilantes

Fans can expect the following Pro Heroes get their due in the upcoming My Hero Academia: Vigilantes anime.

One major reason why this can happen to some characters is because they simply fail to keep up with everyone around them. By the last quarter of the series, many of the story’s main heroes and villains become absurdly powerful thanks to their grueling training and Quirk expertise, and some simply never managed to reach these heights. On the other hand, someone may look formidable on the surface, but secretly possesses a pretty useless quirk which prevents them from being a formidable fighter. Either way, it’s time to look at the characters from My Hero Academia who, despite initially seeming pretty strong, turned out to be fairly weak.



The Terrifying Death Row Inmate Doesn’t Make Anywhere Near As Much Of An Impact As His Fellow Villains

Out of all the League of Villains, Moonfish undoubtedly has the most horrifying appearance of them all. As a criminal who was once imprisoned on death row, and who also possesses a deadly Quirk which allows him to create blades out of his teeth, he was set up to be a pretty formidable foe early on in the Forest Training arc.

The truth is, though, Moonfish doesn’t exactly appear all that strong when going up against Todoroki and Fumikage, with the former easily blocking his attacks with an ice shield, and the latter completely obliterating Moonfish’s body with his Dark Shadow ability. Though Moonfish does re-appear very briefly during the final war, he still manages to get apprehended and arrested yet again. While he certainly possesses a deadly Quirk which has no doubt racked up his kill count, Moonfish comes off as surprisingly weak in the series itself.


Mei Hatsume

Midoriya’s Close Friend And Costume Stylist Focuses More On Building Than Fighting

While Mei excels at bolstering the strength of her friends by tinkering and upgrading their equipment and costumes, she’s not all that much of a fighter herself. In the U.A Sports Festival right at the beginning of the series, she can be seen relying on her Support Gear to give her a leg up in the competition, but after that point of the story, she hides herself away in the school’s development studio where she dedicates all her time to creating brand-new gizmos for the heroes to make use of.


My Hero Academia: Most Emotional Fights, Ranked

Throughout My Hero Academia, there were some big fights that were combined with significantly emotional parts of the story.

Needless to say, she’s been an invaluable ally to Midoriya and the rest of the gang, but it did initially seem that she would have been more involved on the front lines than she actually is. It wouldn’t have seemed out of place if Mei were to conjure up a giant mech, for example, to clobber anyone that gets in her way, but her obsession with creating, alongside her fairly weak Quirk, means she’s nowhere near as strong as many of her comrades, at least from a physical perspective.



The Principal Of U.A High Is Much Weaker In Terms Of Strength Compared To The Pro Heroes

Because Nezu is the principle of U.A, which houses some of the strongest heroes on the planet, many fans assumed that this quirky little mouse secretly possessed an underlying power which made him deserving of this position. There are several characters in this series who, despite looking fairly weak and innocent on the surface, can use their Quirk to mutate into something much more dangerous, like Re-Destro, for example, and it seemed as though that may have been the case for Nezu.

Unfortunately, though, this epic transformation scene never came, as Nezu’s Quirk is revealed to simply grant him more intelligence, rather than giving him a strength boost. As a result, he would turn out to be someone who would rather avoid fighting at any cost, given his lack of strength and combat experience.



After Talking A Big Game, Ending Is Utterly Humiliated By The Heroes

Ending is a villain who randomly shows up during the Endeavor Agency arc. In an attempt to bring out the bitter and violent side of Endeavor, Ending kidnaps his son, Natsuo, and begs Endeavor to come and destroy him. When Midoriya, Bakugo, and Todoroki decide to confront him in Endeavor’s place, Ending puts up a a pretty lackluster fight against the three young heroes, and it’s not long before he’s apprehended and taken in by the police.

Considering his Quirk, Whiteline, allows him to restrict his target’s movements by manipulating lane lines, it looked like Ending would be a real thorn in the sides of the heroes for at least a little while longer. In actuality, this guy was beaten so quickly that many fans forgot that he even existed.



Having Her Quirk Stolen Puts Ragdoll On The Sidelines For Much Of The Story

Ragdoll is a member of the fearsome group of heroes known as the Wild, Wild Pussycats, or at least, she was. After being kidnapped by the villains during the Forest Training arc, Ragdoll has her Search Quirk stolen from her. Unable to continue her job as a hero, Ragdoll vows to support her friends from the sidelines, being completely out of action for the rest of the story; something which makes her incredibly uneasy and depressed.


My Hero Academia: 7 Characters Who Ended Up Being Surprisingly Strong

Despite initially seeming fairly unordinary, these heroes and villains proved that they are much stronger than many fans expected.

The Wild, Wild Pussycats were presented as a pretty powerful group upon their introduction, especially considering they were a team who knew how to use each of their Quirks simultaneously to take out a villainous foe. As would be demonstrated later in the story by All For One, Ragdoll’s Search Quirk was one that held a lot of potential, so by having it stolen, the original user ended up losing much of her power as a result.



Despite Being A Pro-Hero, Uwabami Doesn’t Honestly Seem All That Worthy Of The Position

In order to earn the prestigious title of Pro-Hero, a person needs to prove their willingness to protect others, and that they have the means of doing so through their Quirk. Uwabami, however, is a little too obsessed with maintaining her fashionable persona to be doing much meaningful hero work, meaning that, the few times that she does appear, she’s often seen shooting an advertisement, meeting her fans, or partaking in a beauty pageant.

The majority of her fellow Pro-Heroes at least earn some screentime throughout the series where they can put their power and abilities on full display, but this isn’t the case for Uwabami, even though her Serpent Quirk could be incredibly useful in a fight. While some fans had high hopes for this Pro Hero, she ultimately failed to make much of an impression.


Death Arms

Death Arms Doesn’t Get Much Screentime To Demonstrate His Quirk’s Potential

For a hero with such a badass name, it’s hard to believe that Death Arms would be largely restricted to being a support hero for much of the series. From first glance, Death Arms looks like someone who can dish out some serious damage, especially since his Quirk also allows him to bolster his physical strength whenever he needs it.

Despite this, Death Arms plays the role of security guard for Mt. Lady for a short while, and later abandons his position as a hero altogether due to the mounting public pressure that came after Dabi’s dance. It many ways, it felt as though Mirko was the Pro-Hero who would quickly replace Death Arms as the “powerhouse” of the group.


Yuga Aoyama

Aoyama’s Tricky Quirk And Fractured Mindset Prevents Him From Keeping Up With The Rest Of Class 1-A

For much of the story, all the members of Class 1-A improve their strength and Quirks together as a team, but Aoyama is a little different. It takes the vibrant and exuberant student quite a bit longer to get the hang of his rather awkward Quirk, but what also prevents him from reaching his full potential is his fear of All for One.

Late in the story, right before the final war kicks off, it’s revealed that Aoyama has been serving All For One this entire time, though this isn’t something he takes great pride in. All of this tears Aoyama down both physically and mentally, preventing him from reaching the power heights of Midoriya and the others, despite being in the same class as them.

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