Ah, the Democracy Space Station, Helldivers’ own Death Star! Or something like that, right? It’s been two months since the devs brought back the DSS, and even though it’s been useful in a pinch, some Helldivers 2 players seem to have forgotten about the most democratic Space Station. How and why did that happen, and, most importantly, what needs to change?
The Democracy Space Station Could Be More Useful
As you know, many players are currently less than satisfied with the lack of new content. Thus, they use every opportunity to analyze the already existing stuff, and offer some advice on how to fix everything that needs to be fixed.
Most recently, one of the biggest topics in the Helldivers 2 community has been the Democracy Space Station. The main problem with it? It isn’t nearly as useful as it could be in theory.
One player, RedBaronFlyer, noted: “I have just over 150 hours in-game and played countless planets that it was orbiting. In that time, only twice was it providing something other than hellpod space optimization and a liberation buff”.
Another player, GunFlameYRC, added: “I legit forget it exists sometimes to the point where I’m like, oh yeah, I can donate stuff to help it. I am usually only reminded of the DSS when I look at how capped I am”.

Helldivers Suggest Ways to Make the DSS the Best Space Station Out There
Of course, Helldivers were more than ready to share their ideas on how to ameliorate the DSS. Sure, it would be great if there were some more Tactical Actions, but some players had other ideas in mind.
Background_Source922 stated: “Make the DSS not dormant and lame as hecking hell 88% of the time. The DSS behind-the-scenes enhancing Liberation rate stats is not rad… it’s helpful … but not the only thing this station should be doing consistently. It’s a freaking DEATH. STAR. Let us use it to actually bring about the death of democracy’s foes. Instead of it being a glorified boring-a** loading bar”.
This player added: “More actions like: 5th random bonus stratagem per action rotation. And stuff that’s ALWAYS active while it’s in orbit: Hellpod space optimization should ALWAYS be on if it’s in orbit and not an action we have to donate and wait for- Please make this thing cool”.
Hundreds of Helldivers agreed with these ideas. Truth be told, the DSS could use some more pizzazz. All the players would love for it to be the shiny and destructive Death Star that they expected it to be. Of course, these things take time, and we’re sure the devs have some plans for its future. In the meantime, let’s finish the current Major Order and figure out what to do with the Meridian Singularity. For Liberty and Super Earth.