It’s almost impossible to pinpoint when some of the leaked content would actually appear in a game. Data miners usually discover certain details and then fill in the gaps, or let the gaming community make their conclusions. Thus, some content might arrive later than expected, and some might never drop. However, we’re pretty certain that the rest of the Illuminate will have to arrive at some point. Thanks to the recent events, we suppose they’ll arrive soon. So, the recently resurfaced leaks featuring the Stargate Nexus have made Helldivers 2 players excited for the future.
Leaks Offer More Details About the Stargate Nexus
You may remember that a couple of months ago, right before the Illuminate arrived, there were rumors of a Special Event that would be connected to Klen Dahth II. At the time, players suspected this Special Event would be perfect for the arrival of the Illuminate. It was also somehow connected to the leaked concept of Stargate Nexus. Alas, the Illuminate arrived and the players forgot about this entire idea.
However, the recent Spacetime Fluctuation made some Helldivers revisit this topic. One established leaker, IronS1ghts, took it upon themself to remind the community that these concepts were still in the files.
This leaker shared: “Due to the recent increase in Spacetime Fluctuations all across the Galactic Map, I feel I should mention the Stargate Nexus again. The Stargate Nexus is a device used by the Illuminate to warp across multiple planets. It allows them to cover lots of territory very fast. The Stargate Nexus is tied to the Illuminate Capital Planet in some way. It is either stored on the planet, or the planet is the Stargate Nexus. The term “Stargate Nexus” is from some very early game versions, so I’m not entirely sure if that’s scrapped, but it is definitely worth keeping an eye on. (The Stargate Nexus may be linked to the Klen Dahth II event in some way)”.

Of course, if this proves to be true, Helldivers will have a field day. Especially since the leaker added one tiny, but terrifying detail. They stumbled upon something called Disintegration Beam while searching for more details about the Stargate Nexus.
Helldivers Can’t Wait to Steal the Squids’ Technology
Well, Helldivers 2 players were quite excited by the resurfaced Stargate Nexus leaks, as you may have expected. Not only for the possibility of a new event but the possibility of acquiring the Illuminate’s technology, as well.
Mikko noted: “Oh boy can’t wait for the illuminates to graciously give us that technology after we democratically liberate it from them”. Now, we can’t tell for sure, but we have a feeling that the current Major Order and the wormhole will play some role in everything that might happen.
So, get ready and be vigilant! Maybe this Special Event will be Pilestedt’s final gift to his loving community. Or, a start of a new era in Helldivers 2. We hope we’ll find out soon. For Liberty and Super Earth.