“Streamline the Process!” Nexon Plans to Make Farming Colossi In The First Descendant Less of a Chore

“Streamline the Process!” Nexon Plans to Make Farming Colossi In The First Descendant Less of a Chore

Opening dozens, if not hundreds of Amorphous Materials, can be a real pain. So, it is good news that Nexon plans to make farming Colossi and opening AMs in The First Descendant less of a chore.

To get Ultimate Weapon or Descendant parts, you usually have to find and open Amorphous Materials. To do so, you either clear the appropriate Void Fuson Reactors or defeat Colossi. After your victory, a Reconstruction Device will appear, the purpose of which is to open a specific AM. That is all well and good, but when you have to repeat the same process quite a lot, it can become tiresome. Most of the time, the animation for the Colossus to appear lasts longer than the time you need to defeat it. Thankfully, Nexon revealed that they have some plans to improve our farming experience.

There Are Plans To Make Farming Colossi in The First Descendant Less of a Chore

To start a Void Intercept Battle, you first have to select the boss you want to fight, wait for the matchmaking, load the battle, wait for the battle to begin, then watch the Colossus appearing “cutscene”, and then finally begin the fight which usually lasts for 5 seconds. Repeat this dozens of times and you’ll get to see what a waste of time all of this is, especially when you have hundreds of Amorphous Materials to open. 

During the latest AMA session, one player asked whether Nexon plans to make some sort of a feature that allows all Amorphous Material to be opened at once. Minseok Joo said that a feature just like that is not in the works, but they have other ideas.

“However, we are considering ways to streamline the process of repeating a full cycle of Intercept Battles. For example, in private matchmaking, we could look into skipping the [Matchmaking > Loading > Waiting Time > Cutscene > Battle > Results] phases, allowing players to repeat Intercept Battles without additional loading or waiting times. That said, we still need to figure out how to handle object regeneration after destruction, but that’s something for the development team to work on!”

For now, this is still in the planning stage and it may take months before we see some results. But it’s nice knowing that Nexon thinks about QoL improvements like these.

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