Of all the unknowns still surrounding Switch 2, its rumoured ‘C’ button is perhaps the most mysterious – not least because when Nintendo finally revealed its Switch successor earlier this year, there was simply an enigmatic blank square where everyone was expecting a ‘C’ button to be. Now, though, with just a week to go until Switch 2’s full reveal, the ‘C’ has finally, quietly been confirmed in an official image for Nintendo’s newly announced mobile app.
Word of a Switch 2 ‘C’ button – said to be situated below the ‘home’ button on the console’s right-hand Joy-Con – first surfaced amid the various leaks circulating prior to Nintendo’s official reveal. And a button mostly fitting the leaked description did eventually show up when Switch 2’s hardware design was finally unveiled – albeit shorn of its ‘C’.
But now the ‘C’ is official. During Nintendo’s latest Direct showcase, it spent a bit of time introducing a new calendar-style app fans can use to keep track of different Nintendo events and read information about its games. And an accompanying App Store and Google Play promotional image just so happened to include a picture of Switch 2 – now with its mysterious Joy-Con button firmly emblazoned with its long-rumoured ‘C’:
Of course, confirmation of its existence doesn’t get us any closer to solving the mystery of what it actually does. Some have speculated the letter ‘C’ is merely a nod to GameCube’s ‘C’ button, itself an evolution of the yellow ‘C’ buttons on N64. But others have suggested the ‘C’ stands for more than just the first letter of the alphabet not already taken by other buttons on Switch 2.
Some, for instance, have reasoned it could stand for ‘cast’ if Nintendo was considering some sort of streaming functionality for the console, or perhaps ‘chat’ in the event it’s planning more robust social features for its Switch successor. There’ve even been rumours it stands for ‘Campus’, claimed to be an evolution of Wii U’s much-loved Miiverse. Alternatively, it could be a button to activate Switch 2’s leaked mouse functionality, with the ‘C’ not actually standing for anything at all. Or maybe pressing it will summon Chrom to have a little wink at you.
Whatever the now officially ‘C’d ‘C’ button does, all will very likely be revealed next week when Nintendo’s hugely anticipated Switch 2-focused Direct airs. It all kicks off at 2pm next Wednesday, 2nd April, in the UK. And needless to say, Eurogamer will ‘C’ you there.