Teamfight Tactics Set 14 Cyber City puts players in a cyberpunk metropolis

Teamfight Tactics Set 14 Cyber City puts players in a cyberpunk metropolis

The newest Teamfight Tactics set, Set 14 Cyber City, takes players to the futuristic metropolis of Cyber City featuring a cyberpunk-style lineup of champions, arenas, and skills. The new set is built around an all-new Hacks mechanic which will randomly create glitches and ‘hackcidents’ to keep things unpredictable throughout each match.

Screenshot via Riot Games

With the Cyber City set, hackers have infiltrated core TFT systems such as the Opening Encounters, Shops, Orbs, Carousels, and Augments, triggering unexpected and random events and changes to gameplay throughout each match. There is a pool of hacks that can trigger each game including augmented hacks that let you choose from one strong augment or two weaker ones, special changes to augment slots, and previous set features like Black Market Augments.

Carousels themselves can also be glitched, bringing game-changing surprises like extra items, anvils, Sentinel Golems with emblems, and more.

In terms of Traits and Origins, the Cyber City set brings back some classic ones from previous sets with some changes to fit with Cyber City. The TFT Set 14 Cyber City traits and origins include:

  • Street Demon: Activate Street Demon hexes to power up your champions. Street Demon units placed in these marked hexes gain double the stats, with signature hexes granting even more power.
  • Anima Squad: Choose from an arsenal of weapons inspired by League of Legends game mode, Swarm. These weapons automatically fire during combat, turning the tide of battle when you need it most. Squaddies Include Vayne, Yuumi, Leona, and Aurora.
  • Golden Ox: Golden Ox champions increase damage and drop gold during combat. Spend big in a turn to increase bonuses permanently, but be prepared to save up for the next round of reinvestment.
  • Cypher: Cypher champions gather Intel by losing combat or killing enemies, and you can trade your Intel for loot during specific rounds. The more Cypher champions you recruit, the more Intel you’ll have at your disposal.
  • Syndicate: Upgrade a Syndicate champion with a Kingpin hat to enhance their abilities. At 5 Syndicate, choose another Kingpin and enhance their power even further. At 7 Syndicate, your Kingpins get even stronger and gain additional benefits!
  • Cyberbosses (Yordles): Cyber City introduces the Cyberbosses, a new Yordle faction that grows in size and power as they level up. These Yordles pack a punch with abilities that scale to their larger-than-life form.

The long-popular Workshop mode Double Up is leaving the Workshop and becoming an official permanent part of TFT with Set 14. It will also receive some quality-of-life updates including premade lobbies that allow you to queue with a full lobby full of friends. The new Teamwork Cannon is also replacing the Rune of Allegiance, allowing players to send champions and items to their teammates during combat. Tocker’s Trials has also received an update for Cyber City, giving players an updated PvE experience throughout the set.

Teamfight Tactics Set 14 Cyber City is set to hit the PBE servers on March 18.

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