The Truce Was a Hallucination? Helldivers 2 Players Continue Spreading Managed Democracy on Martale

The Truce Was a Hallucination? Helldivers 2 Players Continue Spreading Managed Democracy on Martale

The Galactic War is back on the menu! Following the temporary truce, Helldivers 2 players are trying to liberate Martale, yet again. So, what exactly happened, and did we collectively hallucinate the ceasefire?

Did the Illuminate Make Helldivers Hallucinate the Truce?

It’s been an eventful couple of days for Helldivers galaxy-wide. It all started when the latest Major Order presented the players with a new trolley problem. Helldivers being as clever as they are came up with a strategy that would allow them to have their cake and eat it too. In other words – they found a solution to the trolley problem.

Well, they forgot to factor in J.O.E.L. The Game Master obliterated the players’ strategy, leaving the players frustrated and outnumbered by blood-hungry bots. And then… a miracle happened. Liberation rates went through the roof and Helldivers managed to liberate several planets in mere hours.

The devs then announced that the Galactic War was put on pause as they worked on fixing the issue with the rates. Or did they? According to High Command’s latest announcement, the Squids made us all imagine things.

Baskinator, the Community Manager, took to Discord and explained what happened. She noted: “High Command would like to inform all personnel that nothing out of the ordinary has happened in the past 24 hours. The fight for Managed Democracy has continued in an inspiring—but entirely expected—manner”.

Quite peculiar, we could have sworn… Well, if you’ve imagined the ceasefire, as we did, Baskinator had a solution. She added: “Personnel who believe they have experienced or witnessed any sort of anomalous occurrences may be suffering from Illuminate mind-influence, and should report themselves for psychological screening immediately”.

Baskinator explained that the truce in Helldivers 2 was just an illusion.
Screenshot by N4G Unlocked via Discord

Helldivers 2 Players Decided to Go Right Back to Martale

Whether the truce was a hallucination, or not, Helldivers 2 players somehow made their way to Martale. Now, as you know, this planet is a touchy subject for the botdivers. They tried to liberate it several times in the recent months, most recently a week ago, but they never succeeded.

Hopefully, we aren’t hallucinating this as well! At the time of writing this article, Martale is almost 70% liberated, and the liberation rate is almost 4% per hour. At this rate, Helldivers will liberate Martale in about 7 to 8 hours.

SuspectZestyclose760 noted: “After 131 days of bot occupation and several near misses. After spending the vast majority of my time fighting on my home planet of Martale, there are currently 35,000 Helldivers and the DSS with me. Let’s take it back”.

So, dear Helldiver, you know what to do! We’ll be diving on Martale, so, why wouldn’t you join us? We’ll spill lots of oil, we promise. For Liberty and Super Earth.

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